
Monday - seven angels nutrition system
Life support systems: Central and peripheral nervous systems
The list of foodstuffs below is intended for consumption on Monday. You can use the ingredients below to create a meal of your choice for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea or dinner. The list contains foodstuffs from all of the countries and regions of the world. Certain types of foodstuffs may not be available for purchase in your area or might be unaffordable when you consider your budget. Choose foodstuffs from the list below according to their cost and availability in local retail networks. If you choose only one type of foodstuff this is quite enough.
Note: Single-food nutrition plan is the most beneficial for your body, this means eating one food type.
A prerequisite for any food preparation is a cooking method in which plant foods, including cereals are cooked at temperatures no higher than 75-80 degrees Celsius.
Reminder! Drink saffron water on an empty stomach (soak 7 stigmas in 150 ml of water in the evening)
Allowed! On all of the days of the week you can use the foodstuffs of Monday: including saffron, coconut water, natural milk and dairy products without any additives including herbs in cheeses - This is allowed only for people who have undergone ayurvedic therapy or have no chronic diseases.
Attention! Those who are undergoing ayurvedic therapy because of chronic diseases are FORBIDDEN to consume ANY animal food and its derivatives during the entire course of therapy. This includes eggs, fish, seafood, animal fats, all types of dairy products and industrial canned food to which preservatives and or mineral oils are added. Also, the consumption of fried foods is FORBIDDEN.
Vegetables and fruits
* Bamboo
* Brussels sprouts
* Marsh cabbage (Peking cabbage)
* Kelp (Seaweed)
* Guava
* Cabbage
* Coconut
* Lemon
* Milk
* Cucumber
* Pak khom (Thailand)
* Iceberg lettuce
* Santol
* Sugar apple (Annona scaly)
* Sweetie (hybrid of pomelo and white grapefruit)
* Plum
* Tomato
* Turnips
* Pumpkin
* Marsh duckweed (lat.Lémna)
* Spinach
* Aloe
Seeds, nuts, oils
* Red rice
* Wild black rice
* Hazelnut
* Coconut
* Rice germ oil
Animal products
* Fishes
* Crayfish
* Milk and all of its derivatives
Drinks, spices
* Tea
* Arnica
* Dry Aloe
* Linden leaf
* St. John's wort
* Mint
* Saffron
* Ivan tea
* Aloe
* Angelica
* White willow
* Rue
* Birch leaf
* Calamus marsh
* Coltsfoot
Honey varieties for Monday
* Forest bee honey (universal, suitable for every day)
* linden honey (universal, suitable for every day)
Breakfast and dinner (as an example)
A rice porridge is good for the nervous system that controls all organs. It can be done with whole grains of red or black(wild) brown rice. The second name for rice is “Saracen grain”.
Attention! Rice shouldn’t be steamed. When you are buying red rice in the store pay attention to its color. A rich red hue indicates that the rice has been dyed, we don’t advise to buy such rice. Organic red and black rice can be ordered here.
Calculation of product weights in grams per serving of porridge:
* 90 grams of red or black rice.
* 20-40 grams of hazelnuts.
* 1 tablespoon of lime or forest bee honey (optional)
* 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seed, hazelnut, or rice germ oil.
* Fruits or dried fruits (quantity as per your desire).
* Wild rice. The bright color of the cereal is due to the large amount of pigment contained in the shell. It is exactly within that shell that we can find all the beneficial substances. Red and black rice are extremely valuable healing plants among all of the varieties of this crop. Unpolished brown rice retains high levels of fiber, minerals, amino acids and vitamins of the b category (iodine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and iron). Magnesium has healing properties when used to treat headaches, bronchial asthma, it also keeps muscles in good shape and strengthens the nervous system. It reduces the likelihood of heart attacks, regulates blood pressure. Potassium helps remove salt from the joints and reduces inflammation. The iron which is contained in rice is another source of iron needed to prevent anemia. Red and black rice are antioxidants. With a periodic and regular consumption of it the level of free radicals in the body decreases, and this in its turn reduces the risk of oncological diseases.
* Siberian crowberry (Empetrum sibiricum) An ancient remedy that was used for the restoration of the nervous system. Shiksha (the second name for the herb) is included in the diet of the Sami and Manuits people. The berries, leaves and roots of the plant are used to treat: migraines, chronic fatigue, epilepsy, seizures, urinary incontinence, paralysis, tremors (nervous tics), schizophrenia and cataracts.
* Siberian Motherwort (Leonurus sibiricus) It is used in European medicine to treat panic attacks, anxiety, spontaneous fears, neuralgia, and hysterical conditions. The plant is an antispasmodic and anticonvulsant agent. It slows down the rhythm and increases the strength of the heartbeats. When used it has a pronounced hypotensive and cardiological effects. Motherwort regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It reduces the level of glucose, lactic acids, pyruvic acids, and cholesterol. It normalizes the rate of protein metabolism.
* Jacob's ladder (Polemonium caeruleum) In ayurvedic medicine it is used as a sedative when people suffer from insomnia. It reduces nervous reflex excitability, physical activity, nervous tics. It is used as an agent to treat epilepsy, depression, migraines, anxiety and hysteria. It is included in the set for treating psoriasis.
* Angelica archangelica (garden angelica, wild celery, Norwegian angelica) It is used as an agent to treat insomnia, exhaustion of the nervous system, acute and chronic neuralgia, bronchial asthma. In case of disease prevention, you cannot add more than one spoon, an overdose will lead to nausea and allergic reactions.
* Pennyroyal In extreme cases, you can take peppermint. It is used to relieve spontaneous fears and anxiety. It has a beneficial effect on the whole nervous system. It is used by knowledgeable people to achieve clarity of mind and understanding of the earthly existence aspects.
Cooking methods
Attention! In order to preserve the healing microelements cooking temperature should not exceed 88 degrees Celsius. Do not salt the porridge! You can add fresh or thawed fruits immediately before meals along with honey (if there are no contraindications to this).
Cooking using a water bath: slightly rinse the cereals (so as not to wash out the valuable microelements). Soak in cold water for 7-10 hours. Cook in a water bath for 30 minutes. After cooking the rice add oil, nuts, dried fruits and let it sit under a lid for 10-15 minutes.
Cooking In a multi-cooker: slightly rinse the cereals. Place in a multi-cooker bowl. Add water or milk of suitable fat content. Set the temperature to 80-90 degrees. Set the timer for 9-10 hours. It is very convenient to let the porridge sit overnight so that when you wake up in the morning it would be ready.
Plants for infusions (used for disease prevention and medical purposes)
Ivan tea (narrow-leaved fireweed) - the root element of the basic infusion (Monday plant)
The plant affects the human nervous system. Since ancient times it has been used to treat neuroses, alcoholic psychosis, hysteria, depression, and epilepsy.
4 teaspoons of Ivan tea per liter of water. All of the vital systems of the body are controlled by the nervous system, which is why it is necessary first of all to heal and prevent diseases that relate to the central and peripheral nervous systems. The plants listed below can be used orally as a preventative infusion or for intensive therapy.
Important! Plants are used in minimal quantities for preventive purposes. All of the following plants can be added in the following ratio: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of infusion except for those plants that are marked as "POISONOUS". If you are suffering from chronic diseases and you are not sure what plants to consume and how in order to treat а certain ailment or set of ailments we recommend that you schedule a consultation with a naturopath by clicking this link. A specialist will draw up a personal course of ayurvedic therapy for you during the consultation. You can also schedule an appointment via WhatsApp +74996383184.
If you are suffering from any of the listed diseases it is necessary to increase the dose of the corresponding plant to 2-3 teaspoons and add them to the infusion instead of the regular quantity.
The herbal infusion is prepared during the evening and it has to sit for at least 6 hours. The infusion should be consumed before the dawn of Tuesday . You can add any Monday honey to the infusion.
Attention! If you haven’t found a plant or another product that is used in your region on any of the days of the week then we invite you to send the name of this plant in Latin (as in Wikipedia) and preferably a link to its description, you can fill out this form:
Aromatherapy, incense
* Frankincense (Boswellia)
* Vanilla
* Plumeria
* Sandal white
* Plumeria rubra
* Benzoin
* Dammar
* Lemon
* Mint
* Coconut
* Melon
* Aloe resin
Main characteristics:

* Candle color: blue
* Metal: silver, platinum
* Note and frequency: La (432 Hz)
* Element: Water
* Planet: Moon
* Chakra: Ajna
* Meditation Morning: EH
* Meditation night: SHAM
Download the 7 angels meditations
Angel of the day:

* Catholicism: Gabriel
* Orthodoxy: Gabriel
* Islam: Jibril
* Judaism: Gabriel
* Vedism: Chandra
* Hinduism: Shiva
* Thai Vedas: Phra Jan
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