Introduction about the seven angels nutrition system
Complete recovery of the human organism by the application of the seven angels nutrition system
Food is the factual fuel on which our body works, what we eat and drink defines our health.
Bringing our body to orderly function without using artificial substances isnt hard. The only thing that will be needed for achieving the results that you desire is to put effort and carefully observe the seven angels nutrition system. The seven angels nutrition system is based on basic human principles of being on the seven energetical centers that some people call “the chakras”.
The purpose of the seven angels
The human body is a biological instrument that functions on electrical currents. Every living cell consists of molecules made of electrons and atoms.
In its basic state, the human body consists of energy that has certain parameters. Healthy cells work in specific frequencies, every group of cells within the human body has its own referential frequencies. The exposure of human cells with foreign organisms (viruses, funguses, parasites) interferes with these natural frequencies, it changes their basic characteristics. During the process of resistance to infections the cell loses its energy. These changes are accompanied by electrical impulses that are programs which transmit to the center of operation, the brain, signals of malfunctioning. That’s how the feeling of being sick originates or the symptoms of the disease come about.
The main purpose of the seven angels nutritional system is to recover the energetical potential of the seven life supporting systems of the human body (i.e. the seven chakras)
The basic algorithms of creation
All objects of the mineral, floral and animal kingdoms, including human beings are energetical constructs.
It is important to note that the number “seven” is related to a lot of things in our life. To list just a few examples – there are seven days in a week, there are seven colors in the rainbow, astrology recognizes seven planets, there are seven notes in any melody. All of these are not a coincidence. Those are the seven basic algorithms that were constructed by the creator of life, the architecture of the universe or if you would like the programmer of creation. The total number of the basic life algorithms is nine, this corresponds to the amount of regular numbers, all other values consist out of them.
All of the observed objects in our life that have their form, size, color, density, temperature and condition are being defined by mathematical algorithms within the unified field of energy. The universe and all of the objects that are contained within are an ocean of energy.
The arrangement of our phenomenal world can be understood on the basis of just one example, the example of a computer. The computer processor contains only energy, the visible forms are the codes of the programmer, these codes are manifested on the “screen” of our consciousness in the form of a 3D image.
People are part of the universal field of energy and are completely subordinated to its basic algorithms which in their turn define all of the laws of the material world. The architect has programmed a lot of other energetical objects that have their intended purpose. In computer games besides the main hero there are other characters and objects that have their distinct purposes.
In order to understand that easily, we will use accepted conceptions. We will take into consideration the influence of the seven main planets, this includes their influence within astrology. The life of a human being is an illusion but we are left with nothing but to accept the world as we perceive it.
The principle of healing through nutrition
Every planet has its own frequency characteristic, this is the same as every one of the seven bundles (i.e. chakras and processors). Every mineral, animal extract or plant has its own frequency too. The matching of the frequencies between them and the body's organs determines the effectiveness of the healing process.
Healing is the attunement of groups of cells into a harmonically and energetically stable state, these groups of cells were brought out of the given frequency range.
When we consume certain types of food we fill all of those cell groups with the corresponding energy of these specific food types. In time of ailment, cells need additional energy. Any disease is very similar to a computer virus that infects the operating systems and changes the given working parameters. The system redirects its vital elements to the places of infection from other areas in the body. This explains why during time of illness people are drawn to sleep. The disruption of regular work and “repair” requires the lowering to a minimum the expenditure of energy, this results in the “disconnection” of the body.
When we consume specific nutritional products and drinks every day of the week it is possible to completely restore each and every one of the seven feeding systems to their normal frequency range. Of course this can happen if irreversible processes haven’t happened, such as the amputation of organs or tissue necrosis. Some herbal products might be required in order to hasten the process of healing.
The basic guidelines of the nutrition system
There is an important aspect to this system of nutrition and it is in accordance with specific food types to certain days of the week. A small digression from this scheme and the expected result won’t be achieved, it doesn’t matter the size of the piece of sausage that went into your mouth, the only thing that matters is that it is a morsel which has a different frequency characteristic. Therefore, in your effort to remain healthy please think carefully if you are ready to give up those certain food types that brought you to your current health condition. If you are determined to improve your condition it will work even for people of old age.
Whenever there are difficult cases in which the body is infected with multiple diseases in conjunction, a correction and a personal approach is required. In order to treat that, an appointment with a specialist has to be scheduled, you can do it by following this link.
* For those of you who suffer from diabetes it is important to avoid honey, dates and foods that are high in sugar.
* For those of you who have allergies, it is important to exclude all of the foods that might cause allergic reactions.
* You can also exclude foods that are not to your liking or which “your body rejects”.
Attention! If you exclude a certain food type it doesn’t mean that you can replace it with a substitute that you like, it means excluding without replacing.
It's important to observe the order of the food types consumption and not change it in any situation.
The basic ingredients of the nutrition system are plant-based foods, fishes, sea foods and some types of animal food. It is possible to change the quantity of the food without changing its constituents.
Water – the basic component of which the human body consists
The water which is used for the preparation of food and drinking has to be sourced from a spring or a well. In this case we are not required to freeze the water and defrost it in order to remove the information programs which are programmed by the torsion generators at the water distribution sites near the large cities. If you don’t have the ability to use clean water from a spring or a well it is important to acquire a water filtering and preparation system. In the image below, you can see a self-filling water filter (like the ones produced by Aquamatic for example). You can turn to the specialists in your area and install a water filtering system in which special cartridges are not used. These cartridges are produced by the same companies which knowingly poison the drinking water in various countries around the world.
Because of this, it is important to use self-filling water filters where you yourself buy and use the filtering materials. Most often those filtering materials are zeolite, anthracite or quartz sand, Ion-exchange resin or activated carbon.
The filtering materials are aimed for the removal of heavy metals and artificial additives from the water, they hold on their surface larger additives (like dirt, silt, remnants of filtered materials and various other substances). Filtering materials like zeolite and anthracite are used most often. The first one is most widely used for filtering water in ordinary day to day water filters, it is much more effective than quartz sand. Zeolite is differentiated by a porous surface, it possesses an absorption property. Quartz sand is an inert material. There are also some properties in Zeolite that are important, specifically its resistance to heat and acid. This water filtering material is capable of trapping particles of petrochemicals, nitrates, heavy metals, ammonium, phenol, ammonia, pesticides and others. It also influences the concentration of fluoride ions, chloride ions and hardness salts in the water. It is very popular to fill zeolite when there is a high concentration of nitrogenous compounds, it is effective in cleaning wastewater. Anthracite is used for mechanical cleaning, muddiness and suspend solids removal in clarifier filters of the SF type. Due to its absorption capacity and increased chemical resistance this filtering material can be used in conjunction with filtering materials that have properties that remove heavy metals. In such cases anthracite is filled above all other layers of filtering materials, this grants restoration qualities (the frequency at which you will have to wash it depends on the filter duration of work and the quality of water that flows in).
Ion-exchange resins serve the purpose of softening water, they can be used in households or industrial equipment. The filtering material by itself is an insoluble polyelectrolyte, it can be natural or artificial. Granular filtering materials are placed into the filter while observing the required layer height. The main purposes which are achieved by the use of an Ion-exchange resins layer as a filtering material are demineralization, softening and desiliconization. At the basis of this stands a principle of ion exchange - one or more undesirable ionic contaminants are removed from the water by exchange with another non-objectionable, or less objectionable ionic substance. For example, in the event of the presence of a large quantity of hardness salts in the water (magnesium, potassium) an exchange happens which replaces them with safe sodium ions.
Activated carbon has absorption properties and because of this it is widely used for removing chlorine, various smells, turbidity, chromaticity and the elimination of various organic compounds (humic substances, chloramines, hydrogen sulfide, etc.). As a filling, activated carbon is mainly used in the form of powder (up to 0.17 mm) or granules (0.17 - 6 mm). The reason for using it in autonomous chemical water preparation systems is its large surface area. This is a pretty simple water filtering material and it is very effective, it's used for cleaning water. Removing chlorine from our water today is important because the method of chlorination is very popular due to its low cost.

Self-Filling filtering materials have to be purchased from suppliers that offer chemically pure components and reagents for chemical laboratories! Products found in retail networks that have the label “used for filtering drinking water” are with great certainty being produced by the transnational pharmaceutical companies or by chemical industrial companies which are under their control. These products contain slow-acting poisons that damage the nervous, vascular and endocrine systems of the human body. After you have organized the water filtering system it is necessary to freeze the filtered water from the city water supply and let it melt naturally in a place that is out of reach of direct sun rays. This has to be done in order to restore the natural state of the water, we mean here the clearing of the information programs that are present in the water and imprinted onto it by torsion generators.
Days of the week in accordance with the life support systems of the human body
Sunday Sun - lymphatic system, including skin and mucous membranes
Monday Moon - central and peripheral nervous systems
Tuesday Mars – digestive and excretory systems
Wednesday Mercury - cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system
Thursday Jupiter - endocrine system, and the immune system
Friday Venus - reproductive system
Saturday Saturn - human locomotor(musculoskeletal) system
Saffron water and the method of its preparation
In order to do a preventive care for the organs of sight and heal specific diseases such as myopia, hyperopia, dry eye syndrome, ocular dystrophy and astigmatism in ayurvedic therapy, it is advised to moisten 2 cotton pads in saffron water and put them on the eyes for 10-20 minutes. It's recommnded to do this immediately after waking up and in the evening before falling asleep. In case of glaucoma and cataracts additional components are needed, in accordance with a prescription from a naturopath. you can schedule an appointment here. In the morning after waking up, and on an empty stomach, it is advised to drink a glass of saffron water including the stigmas in it. You should drink the second glass of saffron water just before sleep. If you are using ayurvedic herbs you can drink it right after saffron water if a naturopath has prescribed it and if you don’t have an allergy to it.
In 150 ml of clean water, soak 7 saffron stigmas for 8 to 12 hours and preserve them within a usual refrigerator in a temperature between +3 to +7 Celsius degrees.
Saffron bought at a market won’t do because what is being sold there is a flower of which all of the healing components are missing. Saffron that can be used has to have a dark crimson color and when it is put in water the stigmas will sink. Such healing saffron can be found in specialized stores, you should look for Iranian, Spanish or Indian saffron in packages from 0.07 to 1 gram. Real saffron cannot cost less than 16 dollars for a gram. For a month of usage, its enough to have 1 gram of stigmas. Whenever the stigmas give their constituents to the water they float to the surface. Frequent use of saffron water doesn’t cause any side effects or addictions, this means that it can be used daily.
On certain days of the week, it's possible to eat ONLY the food that belong to this specific day. It's FORBIDDEN to mix food of different days although there is one exception. it's possible to mix the food of Monday with the food of other days and eat them together. You CAN prepare meals in any combinations and quantities as long as the foodstuffs belong to the foodstuffs of that specific day and you can consume them at your own liking, for example during breakfast, lunch, dinner and afternoon tea if you are used to eating four times a day. A common mistake is that you can eat a small quantity of products that DO NOT BELONG to that specific week day and that that would not affect the outcome of the seven angels nutrition system. ATTENTION! It doesn’t matter how much of a certain food that doesn’t correspond to that specific day you have eaten, if it is one gram or one kilogram on the energetic plain it's insignificant, you have inserted into your system through that specific food a mathematical program code. One gram and one kilogram contain the same amount of a “program code” and in such case it's either there or not.
Attention! It's possible to use all of the foodstuffs of a certain week day and it's also possible to use only one type of food (for example, one kind of porridge, one kind of a fruit or one kind of a vegetable) in order to organize your nutrition system on a certain day. This depends on where you live, the availability of certain food in retail networks and of course in your budget. The widespread statements of “smart” nutritionists about the need for a “rational” and balanced diet, the need to take certain vitamins or certain proteins are erroneous statements by people who dont know, they partially or wholly do not understand how the human body synthesizes ALL the necessary amino acids from most types of food, all of these can be taken into account if those foodstuffs are not poisoned with chemical fertilizers, steroids, antibiotics and herbicides.
Breakfasts and dinners can be composed of identical foodstuffs. For example, porridge with nuts and fruits, milk or water based, with the edition of honey or not. You can prepare one large serving and divide it into two meals.
For the preparation of porridges we would use clean water or milk. Before you do that it is important to know that from the age of twelve, the already adult body stops utilizing lactose. If you are preparing food for someone who is older than twelve years it's better to use water rather than milk, dairy products can be still used in the form of fermented milk. Most of the dairy products that are sold in todays modern retail networks are made of palm oil and this oil is poisonous to the human body. If you have the ability to buy farm milk you should ask the farmers how they feed the animals, in case they use industrial foods that come with the addition of antibiotics and steroids. Such milk would do more harm than good. If possible, it's better to buy goat milk from private individuals.
Any kind of dinner ware except metallic would fit well for the preparation of food: enameled, glass, ceramic or with a non-stick coating. Do not use metallic dinner ware when preparing your food.
Attention! When you are cooking exclude any contact of the food with metal or metallic objects.
The basis of the nutrition is plant-based food, this includes various cereals. It is important to know for those people who suffer from chronical diseases and specifically those who suffer from diabetes that certain groups of fruits and vegetables contain starch and gluten. When somebody is suffering from diabetes mellitus and most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract it is contraindicated for the duration of the healing to consume starchy foods. You can obtain more detailed information by scheduling a personal consultation with a naturopath through this link.
High temperature (above 75 degrees Celsius) makes food “dead” and destroys its valuable elements. That’s why all food prepared using gentle heat treatment or long-term soaking.
Attention! Before consuming any cereals, dried fruits, nuts and seeds purchased in common retail networks it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to soak the food in clean water for about 20-30 minutes and then drain the water. This is to remove residues of methyl bromide CH3Br (bromomethane, methyl bromide). Officially, in some countries, including the Russian Federation, it's forbidden to use methyl bromide for processing food but most manufacturers do this in order to preserve food from pests. when they are asked about it they answer that these products are for export and sanitary and epidemiological standards are not mandatory in such a case. Here is a quick reference for methyl bromide:
.. A powerful poison. The maximum permissible concentration in the air is 0.01 mg / m3. Methyl bromide is a fumigant used to preserve plants from scaled insects, pseudo-scaled insects and mealybugs, as well as to control pests of stocks, fresh vegetables, dry vegetables, fruits, and less often for grain processing. Technical methyl bromide sometimes has an unpleasant smell of rotten protein substances, this smell can persist in the air of places in which the process of fumigation happened for several days and even after the complete dissolving of methyl bromide vapors. However, this smell is not transmitted to fumigated grains and grain products. Methyl bromide vapors have a high penetrating ability due to which they easily and quickly spread in the grain mass and penetrate deep into the processed products. Methyl bromide penetrates into animal feeds in concentrations that are lethal for pests to a depth of 60 cm. Compared with other fumigants, it's absorbed to a small extent by grain and grain products and is quickly degassed. Degassing is accelerated by moistening and aerating the grain.
Exactly because of this, it's important to soak dried fruits, nuts, and grain crops in clean water. Beside that, the peel must be removed from all vegetables and fruits which were purchased in retail networks. It is important to consider that for some time airplanes have been spraying toxic substances over territories of most countries. These toxic substances are salts of heavy metals including aluminum, strontium, tantalum, mercury compounds, aspergillus spores and complex biological poisons that affect the human nervous and vascular systems. Because of this it's important to peel agricultural products that were grown on your own soil before you eat or use them to make food. There are some areas around the world where this spraying isn’t carried out, they are an exception.
It is essential to use cold-pressed oils, if possible - not refined. When buying oils, you should make sure that these oils are not produced from GMO raw materials, do not contain chemical dyes, color enhancers, taste enhancers, flavors and preservatives. If you don't like the taste of a certain oil in a dish, you can eat a spoonful of this oil in its pure form just before eating. It is important to note that oils are made from different seeds and therefore are also distributed over the days of the week. Coconut oil and hazelnut oil can be used every day since they are products of Monday. The daily recommended intake of oil for an adult is 14 grams. It's beneficial to eat it in the morning and evening, that is, in two meals. You can use oils to prepare meals for lunch or afternoon tea or both of them.
You should buy nuts that are fresh, not thermally processed and without salts or any spices. You can determine how fresh the nuts are by smelling them. If the smell is rancid then the nuts are old. The presence of small insects is a good indication that the product hasn’t been chemically processed so feel free to buy such nuts, there will be no harm from the insects.
Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables can be added to the nutrition plan on a daily basis. You can use both fresh and dried fruits and vegetables, including frozen or freeze-dried. Provided that they do not contain preservatives, dyes and especially sugar.
Attention! Potatoes, and potatoes derivatives, are FORBIDDEN for consumption, same goes for most types of corn, except for non-GMO varieties.
You can salt your food with red, pink or black Himalayan salt. This salt is mined in an open way at the salt mines in the Himalayas. It's important to understand that spices are plant based and because of this any type of spice is associated with a certain week day and therefore can be consumed on that specific week day.
Attention! It is forbidden to use sugar in any form!
Instead of using sugar we are going to use honey and a sweetener that is obtained from coconut flowers, it is the so-called coconut sugar which can be consumed on any of the seven weekdays because it is a product of Monday. The only exception is people who suffer from diabetes. It's important to understand that each and every day has its own type of honey because the bees produce it from different types of plants. In certain regions it's hard to obtain all of the seven types of honey. In such a case lime honey can be used everyday because it's a product of Monday. The honey of wild bees is suitable - meadow grasses. Honey is not a required ingredient in our nutrition system.
Attention! Dried fruits, honey, nuts and coconut sugar has to be added after cooking when the temperature of the food has dropped!
This is the main time for eating. 30 minutes before the meal you need to drink at least 150 ml., If you don't do this then you won't be able to drink for two hours after the meal. Instead of drinking water you can drink a drink that was prepared specifically for that day.
Steam cooking is an ideal option. It's not recommended to boil the water in which we cook food because when the water is boiling the food loses some of its beneficial nutrients. charcoal cooking is suggested and you can also bake but abstain from using oils when you do that. The best option is to bake in a clay oven.
Attention! Do not smoke, marinate or fry food in a pan!
Lunch can consist of one dish. The dish can be prepared from all of the ingredients of that specific week day. It can be a soup or a hot salad dish. Eating fruits is not allowed during lunchtime. It's best to eat fruits during the afternoon and we do not drink at the same time. If you aren't in the habit of having an afternoon snack, three meals a day are enough. The nutrition system allows two meals a day, consisting of breakfasts and dinners, in this case the portions must be increased.
Drinks and drinking
The human digestive system prepares for food intake. The enzymes that assist in the digestion of “fuel” are gathered in a certain ration, whenever you drink water it dilutes their concentration. When this happens the food doesn't completely digested. The remnants of the undigested food rot in the small intestine while releasing toxins and poisoning the body. The process that we described above is the main cause for most gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, it's highly advised not to drink any liquids while eating any type of solid food. It's suggested to drink half an hour before meals and not earlier than 2 hours after meals.
Attention! Drinking while eating is not allowed!
Besides green tea it's not recommended to drink regular tea. The best option is Ivan tea. Various herbs and plants are added to it depending on the day of the week. You cannot drink coffee that is bought in supermarkets since today almost all of the varieties that are sold, including well-known expensive brands are treated with special chemicals that are designed to damage the central nervous system and the human vascular system. You can roast green coffee beans on your own or you can purchase them from small independent countries such as Thailand, Cambodia and African countries. Coffee Is the drink of Tuesday so you can drink it on tuesdays. Instead of coffee you can eat carob (ceratonia siliqua) as well as organic cocoa – all of these are also Tuesday’s foodstuffs.
Eating and eco-friendly shopping tips
When you are buying fish products, vegetables, and fruits it's advised to use special devices that allow you to measure the amount of nitrates and radiation level. These portable eco-devices also measure water hardness and the background electromagnetic radiation. The Greentest ECO 5 and Greentest ECO 6 devices have been proven to work well, they differ from other devices by having a touch or an analog display. They can be bought on online stores such as Aliexpress, Amazon and others.
If your daily schedule doesn’t allow you to prepare food in a certain time then it's necessary to acquire portable containers (preferably made from glass) and take the food which you have prepared in advance with you.
If you wish to keep up with the meal schedule you can use a special program on your smartphone or set up a standard alarm clock so that you could eat at a specified time. A fixed schedule of food intake would significantly hasten the healing process of the body.
The prerequisite for this nutrition system is the method which you use to prepare food. In this method plant-based food including cereals are cooked at temperatures not higher than 75-80 degrees Celsius. In order to do this, it's very convenient to use a multicooker, it allows you to set the cooking temperature in advance. When you are choosing a multicooker it's important to make sure that the following functions exist in it:
1. A timer which allows you to set the cooking time.
2. A regime that allows the heating of food after it is ready
3. A timer that allows you to set the start time of cooking (delayed start)
Those functions will make it easy for you to organize the seven angels nutrition system since a multicooker can turn itself on in the middle of the night at a preprogrammed time (delayed start) and make sure that your breakfast is ready by morning time. For those of you who prepare one type of meal for the whole day the function of keeping the food warm (heating regime) will be extremely useful. Various types of cereals require a very long simmering time at a temperature of 75 degrees Celsius and because of this the function of a back-count timer is very important. Today there are multicookers that can be controlled remotely with the assistance of Bluetooth technology and all of its functions can be controlled remotely, even when you are out of your home. When you are choosing a multicooker it is best to give preference to ceramic coating. For those of you who do not use a multicooker we can advise preparing food by prolonged soaking, steaming, or using an oven that allows you to set the required temperature.
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