Kumdang-2 (Pugang Pharmaceutic)

Product code: DRKTHL-0001

To order kumdang-2 please contact us on whatsapp +7 499 638-31-84

Indication for use: all types of viral infections of FLU, ARVI, including COVID-19, SARS, community-acquired pneumonia virus, "bird flu", "swine flu", hepatitis A, B, C. D, E, G, toxic hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis.

Using as an adjuvant: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus, decreased immunity, acute and chronic colitis, pancreatitis, neuralgia, asthenia, neurosis, hypotension, asomnia, impotence, uterine bleeding.

Therapeutic action: natural immunomodulator, broad-spectrum antiviral agent that has a selective effect on all types of viruses.

Product composition:

1. Insam 6-year old root

2. Gold

3. Platinum

Synonyms: kimdang, kumdan

Methods of administration and dosages: at the first appearance of viral infection symptoms take 4 ampoules every 4 hours for 24 hours. For the treatment of chronic diseases see the instructions in the insert together with the injection scheme.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug, arterial hypertension, which is high blood pressure.

Side effects: During the use of this drug no side effects were observed.


Pugang Pharmaceutic Co Ltd kumdang-2 overview

As a therapeutic herbal drug is intended for all types of viral infections of FLU, ARVI, including COVID-19, SARS, community-acquired pneumonia virus, "bird flu", "swine flu", hepatitis A, B, C. D, E, G, toxic hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis.

As an adjuvant herbal drug is intended for treating such diseases as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus, decreased immunity, acute and chronic colitis, pancreatitis, neuralgia, asthenia, neurosis, hypotension, asomnia, impotence, uterine bleeding.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug, arterial hypertension, which is high blood pressure.

Side effects: During the use of this drug no side effects were observed.

Product description: kumdang-2 in the form of injections is a herbal solution which is produced from Korean ginseng (insam), it is grown in a very original way in the Kaesong province of North Korea. The solution contains ginseng polysaccharides, rare earth trace elements, microdoses of gold and platinum. The originality of the growing method lies in the fact that gold and platinum are assimilated with the plant in the process of its growth. In special forest areas which are ecologically clean and protected the soil is fertilized with a colloidal solution of gold and platinum, then ginseng seedlings are planted in conditions where other plants create certain angles of solar exposure that are as close as possible to the natural environment. Thus, ginseng naturally absorbs trace elements directly from the soil. The production is kept in strict secrecy, but everything secret one way or another becomes revealed eventually. I started researching it about 5 years ago, this happened after a series of strange recoveries of hopeless patients which were using these injections. I became interested in the purpose of the trace elements - gold and platinum in the composition of this plant and my search for truth was a success. It is curious to note that even 6 years ago everyone could buy nano gold and nano platinum from several manufacturers, including in St. Petersburg. The very next year after I called the same company they refused selling me this product, they said something about some executive order of the local authorities and hung up. the following turned out - particles of nano gold and nano platinum have an unusual property to identify human body cells that are affected by pathogens. The study of this mechanism of selectivity made it clear that each healthy cell of the body operates at a certain frequency or in a simple manner of speaking vibration. When a cell is affected, it changes its frequency, and gold and platinum are the elements that detect a frequency mismatch and attach to the affected cell. Moreover, gold determines one type of pathogens, and platinum another. It turned out that the frequency of the cell can beat either at a higher frequency relative to a healthy state or at a lower frequency. In one case the cell is identified by gold in another case by platinum. What is curious is that gold is the masculine metal in Eastern philosophy and esoteric practices, and platinum is the feminine metal. If you attach a ginseng ion to a particle of gold and platinum, then the gold and platinum ions will act as a transport system that delivers the medicine directly and only to the affected cells. It turned out that this technology is used to treat cancer by attaching chemotherapeutic drugs to nano gold particles. But this technology, for economic reasons, is used secretly to hide it from the eyes of ordinary people. There is nothing new in the world under the golden sun. While researching ancient ayurvedic treatises I stumbled upon a description of a technology for making a similar drug, which ancient healers made in the past. In ancient times to prepare a medicine similar to kumdang-2 they took the urine of a mountain Yak since it had certain acidic parameters because this animal ate certain herbs, they made an infusion of herbs that were necessary for the treatment of a certain disease in it, then heated a plate of gold on coals and repeatedly immersed the heated plate into a pot which had the infusion of medical herbs mixed with the animal’s urine. The drug was used orally.

kumdang-2 affects the main section of the central nervous system, which regulates the activity of internal organs, endocrine and external secretion glands, blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as the autonomic nervous system. The drug stimulates the hypothalamus. The drug has antiviral and antibacterial effects. It starts the processes of tissue regeneration, activates the immune system in a natural way, stabilizes the processes of body homeostasis and promotes antioxidant processes in the body. Unlike synthetic drugs, kumdang-2 has no side effects and negative consequences. There are also no contraindications, the drug can be used together with other drugs. No pain is felt during and after the injection.

The injection is used mainly for medical purposes but it is also useful for prevention as it rejuvenates, gives energy and beauty, and boosts the immunity system. 

The drug Kumdang-2 in injection form which is produced by the Pugang pharmaceutical factory in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is presented on the slide show. You can buy this product from the distributor, the Asiabiopharm company on the website of the online store asiabiopharm.com. Postal delivery is carried out to most countries of the world.

Product type Injection in ampoules
Packaging type Box
Length 140 mm
Width 95 mm
Height 20 mm
Weight, gross 90 g
Package quantity, PCs. 8
Release form Ampulla 2 ml
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years at temperatures from +5 to +15 degrees Celsius
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Made by Pugang Pharmaceutic Co Ltd
Country of origin North Korea

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