Set for the treatment of external fungal infections (For 30 days)

Product code: THKLOS-004892
€185 €247

Indication for use: distal onychomycosis (with damage to the nail at the free edge), lateral (with damage to the sides), proximal (with damage to the posterior ridge) and total (with damage to the entire nail), intertiginous epidermophytosis, rubromycosis.

Product composition:

1. Organic Soap "Isika 7 Herbs"

2. Organic Soda "Arms & Hummer"

3. Antifungal composition "N-Herb Nail Fungal Treatment"

Usage scheme for this therapeutic set:

Once a day, preferably before sleep, you need to carefully steam your feet in a bath with a solution of 100% natural soda "Arms & Hummer", for this mix 2 tablespoons in 4 liters of hot water. It is first necessary to remove all parts nail parts which were affected by the fungal infection and the coarsened skin areas. Before taking a bath, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the limbs which were affected by the fungal infection in warm water with a stiff brush and "Isika 7 Herbs" organic soap. After the bath, thoroughly wipe the limbs with a dry, clean towel and dry them for 20-30 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated from the skin surface. Then, before going to bed, treat the skin with the antifungal spray "N-Herb Nail Fungal Treatment", and if the nail plates are affected, apply tampons which were dipped in the antifungal “N-Herb Nail Fungal Treatment" and put on clean cotton socks after that. The tampons will dry out on their own during the night, in the morning remove the dry tampons and put on clean socks.

Onychomycosis (Latin onychomycosis) is a fungal infection of the nail. It is caused, as a rule, by dermatophyte fungis like Trichophyton Rubrum, Trichophyton Interdigitale, Trichophyton Tonsurans, less often Epidermophyton Floccosum and Microsporia (Microsporum Canis) and others. There are three types of onychomycosis (underlying the Russian classification): normotrophic - the color of the nail changes, stripes and spots appear, but the shine and thickness of the nail remain normal; hypertrophic - the color of the nail changes, it loses its luster, thickens and deforms. Perhaps partial destruction of the nail from the edges happens. By its localization forms of onychomycosis are distinguished: distal - damage to the nail at the free edge, lateral - damage to the sides, proximal - damage to the posterior roller and total - damage to the entire nail.

Athlete's foot or mycosis of the feet is a disease characterized by a fungal infection of the feet skin.

Intertriginous epidermophytosis. Most often it affects the interdigital spaces between the III and IV, IV and V fingers, it can pass to their flexion surfaces. It is manifested by focis of redness, swelling and weeping of the skin, maceration, cracks and the appearance of erosion. Patients note itching in the lesions and soreness during the process of erosions formation.

Dyshidrotic epidermophytosis – Is characterized by the appearance of small bubble rashes.

Rubromycosis is a mycotic skin disease, the causative agent of which is the fungus Trichophyton Rubrum, whose high enzymatic activity causes damage to the skin of the feet, sometimes the skin in large folds is affected and even more rarely Rubromycosis affects vellus and long hair. The causative agents of Rubromycosis are divided into gypsum-like, fluffy and velvet, the gypsum-like type of fungus is the most aggressive and mainly causes damage to the feet. The manifestations of Rubromycosis are hyperemia, dryness, hyperkeratosis, cracking, and flour-like peeling of entire skin areas. The affection of the nail plates is characterized by their thickening, increased fragility, and the development of subungual hyperkeratosis.

If a fungal infection of the skin is combined with fungal infections of internal organs, including the intestines, oral cavity, genital organs, you should schedule a personal consultation with a naturopath by following this link.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the components of the set.

Side effects: When the suggested dosages were used no side-effects were observed.

Product type Set
Weight, gross 3075 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Country of origin Thailand

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