Obesity Therapy Kit

Product code:
€240 €266

Indication for use: visceral obesity, peripheral obesity, abdominal obesity, cushingoid obesity, lipomatous obesity, monstrous obesity, gluteal-femoral obesity, stress obesity, cerebral obesity, drug-induced obesity.

Using as an adjuvant: Is used to reduce excess body weight. Is also used to treat obesity, fatty hepatosis, toxic poisoning of the body, parasitic lesions and fungic lesions.

Special conditions: after using this set for 1-2 or 3 months, you must change your nutrition system to the "7 Angels" nutrition system, which you can study by following this link. For those who have completed a course of weight loss therapy, for 6 months after the use of the therapeutic complex all food containing STARCH (including: potatoes, corn, bananas and all varieties of rice, except organic black, as well as swede, radish, beets, chickpeas and peas) must be EXCLUDED from this nutrition system. Significantly limit the number of products containing GLUTEN (no more than 100 grams per day), including: barley, rye, wheat, germinated wheat germ, seitan, couscous, bulgur, semolina and matzo, and also various hybrids of these crops. The consumption of all types of animal food is prohibited except for low-fat sea fish on Mondays and Thursdays and eggs on Fridays.

Set composition:

EN: 1. Ziziphus Jujuba 

EN: 2. Camellia Sinensis 

EN: 3. Gymnema Inodorum 

EN: 4. Alpinia Officinarum

EN: 5. Curcuma Longa

EN: 6. Curcuma Xanthorrhiza

EN: 7. Cymbopogon Citratus

EN: 8. Thunbergia Laurifolia

EN: 9. Garcinia Cambogia

EN: 10. Vitex Agnus-Castus

EN: 11. Boesenbergia Rotunda

EN: 12. Coconut organic oil

EN: 13. Sesame organic oil

EN: 14. Oriza Sativa organic oil

EN: 15. Triphala

EN: 16. Allicin


Usage scheme for this therapeutic set:

1. Dried jujube fruits are used as the main foodstuff during the usage period of the weight loss set. The recommended dose is 7 to 14 dried fruits which will be chewed thoroughly in the mouth - at least 30 chewing cycles for each dried fruit. There are 3 meals a day (jujube). If you feel hungry you can eat 7 more fruits no more than 7 times a day, include during the main meals.

2. Before each meal, 3 times a day, the following mixture should be taken orally: 2 grams of Turmeric long (Turmeric) + 1 gram of Javanese Turmeric + 1 gram of Cymbopogon Citratus (lemongrass) + 1 gram of Alpinia officinalis (Galangal) + 4ml Organic Coconut Oil. Note: This mixture can be prepared in advance and stored in a glass container in a dark place.

3. During meals, 3 times a day, take orally a mixture of 2 grams of "Allicin" with 5 ml. organic black rice oil.

4. Immediately after a meal, 3 times a day, the following mixture should be taken orally: 2 grams of Gymnema Inodorum + 1 gram of Sacred Vitex

5. 30 minutes after a meal, 3 times a day, take the following mixture orally: 3 grams of Bezenbergia roundus + 3 grams of Garcinia Cambogia + 5 ml of Black Sesame organic oil.

6. 2 hours after meals 3 times a day, take orally 3 grams of "Thunbergia laurel"

7. Immediately before bedtime, take 3 grams of Triphala once a day

8. Drink at least 1 liter of Camellia Sinensis tea infusion per day, or you can use coconut water instead.


Additional components that are used during complications:

1. Feeling of hunger: take orally 1-2 blue lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) extract capsules immediately after meals 3 times a day.

2. Depressive state or a state of increased psycho-emotional arousal: 5-7 ml of CNS mixture 3-5 times a day orally mixed with 50 ml of clean water.

3. Antiparasitic component: IVER-6 (Ivermectin 6 mg) should be taken once a week - for a period of one month, 4 doses should be taken on an empty stomach once a week on the same day of the week. A single dose is calculated according to the formula 0.2 mg x kg of body weight. For example, 90 kg x 0.2 = 18 mg. = 3 tablets of 6 mg.

In case obesity is combined with other types of chronic diseases, it is necessary to schedule a personal consultation with a naturopath by following this link.

The indicated dosages apply to individuals with a body weight of 40 kg and above. If your body weight is less than 40 kg it is necessary to schedule a consultation with a naturopath to determine the correct dosages for the components in the set.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to any of the set components.

Side Effects: When the suggested dosages were used no side-effects were observed.

Product type Set
Release form Mixed
Packaging type Box
Weight, gross 6350 g
Weight 6350 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 3 years
Product classification Ayurvedic set
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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