Set for the treatment of type I diabetes mellitus

Product code:
€216 €308

Показания к применению: сахарный диабет 1 типа.

Использование в качестве адъюванта: не используется.

Особое требование: Обязательным условием проведения данной процедуры является строгое соблюдение системы питания « 7 ангелов» , которую необходимо заранее тщательно изучить, дополнительную информацию вы можете найти, пройдя по этой ссылке . Все продукты, содержащие КРАХМАЛ (включая картофель, кукурузу, бананы и все сорта риса, кроме органического черного, а также брюкву, редис, свеклу, нут и горох), должны быть ИСКЛЮЧЕНЫ из диетической системы человека, страдающего диабетом 1 типа. пока они полностью не выздоровеют. Значительно ограничьте потребление продуктов, содержащих ГЛЮТЕН (не более 100 грамм в день), в том числе: ячменя, ржи, пшеницы, в том числе зародышей пшеницы, в том числе сейтана, кускуса, булгура, манной крупы и мацы, а также различных гибридов этих культур. Запрещено употребление всех видов животной пищи, за исключением нежирной морской рыбы по понедельникам и четвергам и перепелиных яиц по пятницам.

Содержимое набора:

1. Сквален 5000

2. Кордицепс В.

3. Гимнема инодорум

4. Морен

5. Куркума

6. Бальзамическое яблоко

7. Моринга

8. Тунбергия

9. Молозиво


Схема применения данного лечебного набора:

1. Утром натощак принять 1 капсулу Сквалена 5000 вместе с 4 капсулами Моринги.

2. Take 4 Turmeric capsules 20 minutes before breakfast

3. Take 3 Balsam apple capsules immediately before breakfast

4. Immediately after breakfast take 1 capsule of "Cordyceps V" together with 3 capsules of "Morin"

5. 2 hours after breakfast, take 3 Thunbergia tablets together with 1 Colostrum tablet

6. Take 5 Moringa capsules 1 hour before lunch

7. Take 4 Turmeric capsules 20 minutes before lunch

8. Take 3 Balsam apple capsules immediately before lunch

9. Take 3 Morin capsules immediately after lunch

10. 2 hours after lunch, take 3 Thunbergia tablets together with 1 Colostrum tablet

11. Take 4 Turmeric capsules 20 minutes before dinner

12. Take 3 Balsam apple capsules immediately before dinner

13. Take 3 Morin capsules immediately after dinner

14. 2 hours after dinner, take 3 Thunbergia tablets together with 1 Colostrum tablet

15. One hour before bedtime, take 1 Squalene 5000 capsule together with 4 Moringa capsules

16. Take 4 Gymnema Inodorum capsules just before bed


Additional components in case of complications:

1. microangiopathy: take 6 capsules of "Ammaruk" 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

2. arthropathy: take c capsules of Tal Val Paeng 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

3. ophthalmopathy, retinopathy: in the morning (clause 1) and evening (clause 15) add 2 capsules of Marigold Plus. Add 1 capsule of Blueberry & Lutein to the herbal supplements (clauses 5, 10, 14).

4. nephropathy: add Orthosiphon 1 capsule 3 times a day immediately after meals.

If type I diabetes mellitus is combined with other types of chronic diseases it is necessary to schedule a personal consultation with a naturopath by following this link.

The indicated dosages are intended for individuals weighing 40 kg and more. If your body weight is less than 40 kg you must schedule an appointment for a consultation to determine the correct dosage for the treatment scheme.

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus can be expressed in the following way: severe thirst, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, lack of appetite, frequent urination, cramps of the calf muscles, itching in the genital area, pain in the heart, prolonged wound healing. Diabetes mellitus in women can lead to menstrual irregularities. Diabetes mellitus in men causes a interferences in potency.

Modern medicine claims that this disease cannot be cured and the only treatment is lifelong injections of insulin which normalize the patient's metabolism. Without lifelong insulin injections type 1 diabetes progresses rapidly and leads to serious complications such as diabetic cardiomyopathy, stroke, kidney failure, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic foot ulcers, ketoacidosis and diabetic coma, which lead to disability or death of the patient, that is what modern powerless science tells People, the same science which conquers space and creates genetically modified viruses. To a reasonable person this state of affairs is not understandable.

The official description of the disease by the WHO (World Health Organization) is as follows: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent diabetes, juvenile diabetes) is an autoimmune disease of the endocrine system that is characterized by chronically elevated blood glucose levels as a result of insufficient production of the hormone insulin. The development of type 1 diabetes mellitus is based on the disruption of the beta cells of the pancreas due to an autoimmune reaction and hereditary predisposition which leads to absolute insulin deficiency. The cause of type 1 diabetes is not yet known. A number of explanatory theories have been put forward and the cause may be one or more of the following: genetic predisposition, diabetogenic trigger and antigen exposure.

According to one theory, an autoimmune reaction to the cells of the pancreas is provoked by viruses that infect these cells. The influence of Coxsackie and rubella viruses is suspected, but no convincing evidence has been presented. Modern pharmacology is well aware of the causes and causative agents of chronic incurable diseases which are beneficial to their activity course, including diabetes mellitus, HIV, dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. These and other diseases are used by “Bigpharma” specifically to enslave and reduce the amount of population on the planet.

An endless number of articles have been written, researches have been conducted, and the disease is still considered incurable. Is it really so? Every reasonable person who has this diagnosis and is sitting on an insulin needle can check this. The main causes of diabetes mellitus like any other disease are factors that are never considered by official modern medicine, moreover, modern medicine calls them pseudoscientific precisely in order to increase the number of people controlled by and dependent on insulin injections. The main task of “Bigpharma” is not profit as many people would assume, their main task is enslavement, the forcing of an individual into dependence on their medicines and products. Intoxication of the body with chemical poisons through food, water, air and the ecology of consciousness, which is influenced by informational factors that affect the human immune and endocrine systems through the nervous system are the main factors. It is exactly food additives, preservatives, steroids, antibiotics, vaccinations from an early age and the impact on the psyche of the modern social system coupled with electromagnetic radiation that are the pre-planned cause of all chronic incurable diseases of the human body without any exceptions.

Of course, all of these factors lead to the weakening of the human immune system and under this condition bacteria, fungi and parasites begin to multiply. Any chronic disease can be cured despite any opposite statements of modern asclepiusans. To do this first of all it is necessary to change the nutrition system, including stopping eating food known to be poisoned with chemicals, finding sources of clean water without the addition of steroids and antibiotics, which are added even to bottled water and not only to plumbing systems in accordance with the new regulations of various supervising organizations in various countries. Many of you have heard before that the body completely renews all of its cells in a couple of years, including the bone marrow. How is it then that diseased cells get renewed with the disease? The human body, like any other object is a mathematical algorithm.

A disease is a malicious code that was inserted into the system and determines the dysfunctional behavior of one or another element, which is affected by this malicious code, in fact this is what it was intended for. Natural drugs have a clearly defined informational structure, a mathematical algorithm and a main carrier frequency which determines the effect on the human body, or rather on the life support systems of the bodily apparatus. The main task in healing the body from any disease (malicious code) on the energy plane is to use those herbal drugs the energy code of which destroys the energy code of the disease.

Это возможно не только с помощью натуральных лекарственных трав, но и с помощью специальных практик, в том числе тех, которые обычно называют заклинаниями или магией. Поэтому при лечении любого заболевания натуральными фитопрепаратами желательно также использовать аудиопрограммы или, как их называют, мантры и уделять время своему духовному развитию.

Набор, о котором мы сегодня говорим, для лечения того, что современная медицина называет сахарным диабетом I типа, состоит из натуральных растительных препаратов и специфической системы питания, которая подробно описана в верхнем меню сайта Компоненты набора необходимо применять в четкой последовательности, сюда входят все детали, в том числе связанные с системой питания, которые подробно описаны на странице презентации набора на сайте В первые 40-90 дней поджелудочная железа начинает вырабатывать инсулин, это происходит потому, что клетки регенерируются, несмотря на противоположные заявления людей в белых халатах, гордо добавляющих к своим именам звание своего ученого.

Пока человек свято верит лжи врачей, говорящих ему о неизлечимости того, что невозможно вылечить, именно сознание определяет реальность бытия, а не наоборот. Карл Маркс был явно неправ, в том числе и со своей марксистской теорией... У каждого человека есть выбор - продолжать сидеть на игле или выбрать новую жизнь без зависимости от инсулина. Те, кто не готов изменить свой образ жизни, в частности отказаться от употребления токсичной пищи и питья бутилированной воды, не готов доверить свой разум сердцу, необходимо понимать, что в таком случае нет смысла даже пытаться вылечиться.

Product type Set
Release form Tablet form
Packaging type Box
Weight, gross 1980 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 3 years
Product classification Ayurvedic set
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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