Detox of heavy metals formaldehydes and phenols in a city environment set

Product code: THKLOS-00472
€141 €176

Indication for use: poisoning with immunosuppressants, including salts of heavy metals, compounds of barium, strontium, mercury, aluminum, tantalum and others. Poisoning with formaldehyde, phenol and other chemical poisons. Poisoning by spores of pathogenic fungi of a wide spectrum, including those resistant to antibiotics

Using as an adjuvant: not used.

Special requirement: A required prerequisite for this procedure is a strict adherence to the "7 Angels" nutrition system which must be studied thoroughly in advance, you can find more information by following this link. All foods containing STARCH (including: potatoes, corn, bananas and all varieties of rice except organic black, as well as rutabagas, radishes, beets, chickpeas and peas) have to be EXCLUDED from the dietary system. It is necessary to exclude any dairy products and their derivatives which are sold in supermarket networks for the first 30 days of detoxification. after some time, it is advised to cease eating dairy and meat products which are sold in supermarket networks and processed with antibiotics and steroids. You can consume home livestock products as well as game which was obtained through hunting.

Product composition:

1. Compound Thunbergia Laurifolia Capsules

2. Compound Kaempferia Parviflora Capsules

3. Krachai Plus Capsules

4. Triphala Capsules

5. Curmin 500 Plus

6. Andrographis Paniculata Extract Capsules

Usage scheme for this therapeutic set:

1. Take 3 Curmin 500 Plus capsules 20 minutes before breakfast

2. Take 1 capsule of "Compound Kaempferia Parviflora" immediately after breakfast.

3. 20 minutes after breakfast take 3 capsules of "Krachai Plus"

4. 2 hours after breakfast, take 4 Compound Thunbergia Laurifolia capsules together with 2 Andrographis Paniculata Extract capsules

5. Take 3 Curmin 500 Plus capsules 20 minutes before lunch

6. Take 1 capsule of "Compound Kaempferia Parviflora" immediately after lunch.

7. 20 minutes after lunch take 3 capsules of "Krachai Plus"

8. 2 hours after lunch, take 4 Compound Thunbergia Laurifolia capsules together with 2 Andrographis Paniculata Extract capsules

9. Take 3 Curmin 500 Plus capsules 20 minutes before dinner

10. Take 1 capsule of "Compound Kaempferia Parviflora" immediately after dinner.

11. 20 minutes after dinner, take 3 capsules of "Krachai Plus"

12. 2 hours after dinner, take 4 Compound Thunbergia Laurifolia capsules together with 2 Andrographis Paniculata Extract capsules

13. Take 4 Triphala capsules just before bedtime.

In case you are suffering from severe chronic diseases you should schedule a personal consultation with a naturopath by following this link.

The indicated dosages are intended for individuals weighing 40 kg and more. If your body weight is less than 40 kg you must schedule an appointment for a consultation to determine the correct dosage for the treatment scheme

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects: During the use of this set no side effects were observed.

Product link:

What are chemtrails and what do they contain:

Chemtrails are aerosols that are being sprayed on the surface of earth from the atmosphere over many countries and especially over large population concentrations. These chemtrails can be observed in the sky in the form of a long trail from a passing aircraft which eventually spreads in the sky and forms haze and small clouds. When official sources are asked about chemtrails they are presented as part of the “fight” against climate change. Recently, they began to use not only airplanes but also helicopters and small aircraft, as well as started spreading toxic substances under the guise of a disinfection in the subway. According to independent experts, chemtrails are designed to slowly poison people in order to reduce the amount of population. Analyzes of the contents of chemtrails have confirmed the presence of nanoparticles of salts of heavy metals, including barium, strontium, tantalum, mercury and aluminum salts. In addition to metal salts, which act as immunosuppressants - that is, they suppress the immune system of living beings, aerosols contain phenolic and formaldehyde compounds. The third ingredient in chemtrails is the spores of pathogens. Most often chemtrails contain fungal (mold, fungal infections), including fuming aspergillus, black aspergillus, groups of fungi that cause mucormycosis, and a number of other strains of fungal infections little known to public science that cause chronic and acute diseases of the body, including oncological lesions of various human systems. Aerosols can also contain viruses, but as a rule, they are distributed individually in specific locations, under the guise of disinfecting subways, public buildings, transport and streets, as well as under the guise of pest and rodent control in streets. At present norms and regulation have been adopted for adding steroids and antibiotics into drinking tap water, this weakens the immune system and is an additional factor that promotes the development of diseases, including fungal infections. the sprayed funguses are resistant to the main types of antibiotics, this was observed when an outbreak of mucormycosis happened in India following the spraying of aerosols over Delhi and other provinces. This kit is designed to remove metal salts, formaldehydes, phenols, cellular debris from the body and inhibit the growth of a broad-spectrum of fungal infections. The components of this set are not addictive and can be used on a regular basis without fear in regions where spraying of chemtrails is carried out regularly.

Product type Set
Release form Tablet form
Packaging type Box
Weight, gross 1200 g
Weight 1200 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 3 years
Product classification Ayurvedic set
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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