Black Sesame Microminated Capsules (KLO)

Product code: THKLOS-0083

Indication for use: osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, convulsions, asomnia, sleep disturbances, strengthening of hair follicles, prevention of gray hair.

Using as an adjuvant: Alzheimer's disease, dementia, stroke, decreased brain activity, degenerative brain processes, oncological diseases of various etiologies, atherosclerosis.

Therapeutic action: a source of easily digestible calcium, lowers blood cholesterol levels, restores the elasticity of blood vessels, increases HDL – lipoproteins high density, or the so-called good cholesterol.

Product composition:

1. Black Sesame Powder 400 mg

Methods of administration and dosages: Take 2 capsules 2 times a day, regardless of food intake. The standard course is 90 days.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects: During the use of this herb no side effects were observed.


Khaolaor Laboratory K-SAMIN overview:

As a therapeutic herbal drug is intended for treating diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, convulsions, asomnia, sleep disorders, strengthening hair follicles, preventing gray hair.

As an adjuvant herbal drug is intended for treating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, stroke, decreased brain activity, degenerative brain processes, and oncological diseases of various etiologies.

The standard dosage: 2 capsules 2 times a day, regardless of food intake.

Using as a preventative measure: It is recommended for people over the age of 40 years with a tendency to vascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes, 3 months a year, 1 capsule in the morning and evening, regardless of food intake.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the component of the drug.

Side effects: During the use of this herb no side effects were observed.

Product description: Black sesame has been used for medical purposes since ancient times. In principle, all the spices that are used in the cooking process by various people of the world in one way or another have a healing purpose, because in ancient times, plants were added to food precisely in order to neutralize various possible infections of the body due to insufficient purity of water and heat treatment.

Up until now, in many countries of the world, indigenous peoples use not only hot peppers as a protector of fungal and bacteriological infections, but also more specific plants that prevent viral infections and invasions, including helminths. Many spices are used to protect the vascular system, nervous system, cardiac activity, musculoskeletal system and skin. This herbal drug contains microminized powder of black sesame seeds, that is processed in a special way, according to the producer this is comparable to the effectiveness of nanotechnologies. Black Sesame contains ligans - a group of phenolic compounds of plant origin. From research results it was found that sesame has the effect of enhancing the elimination of toxins, including after taking chemically synthesized drugs. Black sesame contains enzymes that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and prevent the formation of cholesterol in the liver and as a result in the vascular system too, increased cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis. Of particular note is the effect of black sesame on the prevention of gray hair, normalization of sleep and strengthening of hair follicles. In general, summing up, we can approve the herbal drug as an effective protector from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cerebral vessels.

K-SAMIN in encapsulated form produced by Khaolaor Laboratory in the Kingdom of Thailand is presented on the slide show. The components of the herb consist of microminized powder of black sesame seeds at a dosage of 400 mg. You can buy this product from the distributor, the Asiabiopharm company on the website of the online store Postal delivery is carried out to most countries of the world.

Product type Capsules
Release form Capsule 400 mg
Packaging type Vial
Package quantity, PCs. 60
Length 60 mm
Height 95 mm
Width 60 mm
Weight, gross 80 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Made by Khaolaor Laboratories Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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