Nasal drops (NC-153)
Indication for use: rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, polyposis, scleroma, influenza, SARS, COVID, virus infection prevention when testing for COVID. Damage to the sinus mucosa due to the use of chemicals such as vasodilatory chemical drops, as well as damage to the mucosa due to the use of cocaine and amphetamines. HPV - human papillomavirus, warts, including common, flat, genital warts and senile. Ringworm.
Using as an adjuvant: allergic rhinitis, tuberculosis, herpes virus, malaria, viral fevers. Prevention of chemtrail poisoning. loss of smell therapy as a result of viral diseases and chemical poisoning.
Therapeutic action: antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, immunomodulatory, antihistamine, anesthetic, antidote for toxic substances, including toxic biological compounds and salts of heavy metals.
Synonyms: Sinus drops
Product composition:
1. Andrographis Paniculata Extract
2. Barleria Lupulina Extract
3. Syzygium Aromatics Extract
4. Coconut Oil
Methods of administration and dosages: In the treatment of diseases of the nasal mucosa - depending on the complexity of the disease, dip from 3 drops to 1 full dropper into each nostril, 2 to 5 times a day. The standard course is from 30 to 180 days. When treating all types of warts, papillomas, condylomas, ringworm - apply the liquid to the affected areas of the skin at least 3 times a day, preferably on a swab under a breathable gauze bandage. For the prevention of viral diseases and detoxification of poisoning through the air, dip 2 drops into each nostril in the morning and evening. To prevent infection while testing for COVID, dip 1 full dropper into each nostril 10-15 minutes prior to the nasal tube testing (PCR TEST).
Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug.
Side effects: During the use of this mixture no side effects were observed.
NC-153 Nasal Drops overview
As a therapeutic herbal drug is intended for treating such diseases as rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, polyposis, scleroma, influenza, SARS, COVID, virus infection prevention when testing for COVID. Damage to the sinus mucosa due to the use of chemicals such as vasodilatory chemical drops, as well as damage to the mucosa due to the use of cocaine and amphetamines. HPV - human papillomavirus, warts, including common, flat, genital warts and senile. Ringworm.
As an adjuvant herbal drug is intended for treating such diseases as allergic rhinitis, tuberculosis, herpes virus, malaria, viral fevers. Prevention of chemtrail poisoning. loss of smell therapy as a result of viral diseases and chemical poisoning.
Using as a preventative measure: It is used as a protective agent in areas where aerosol poisoning happens because of chemtrails.
The standard dosage: In the treatment of diseases of the nasal mucosa - depending on the complexity of the disease, dip from 3 drops to 1 full dropper into each nostril, 2 to 5 times a day. The standard course is from 30 to 180 days. When treating all types of warts, papillomas, condylomas, ringworm - apply the liquid to the affected areas of the skin at least 3 times a day, preferably on a swab under a breathable gauze bandage. For the prevention of viral diseases and detoxification of poisoning through the air, dip 2 drops into each nostril in the morning and evening. To prevent infection while testing for COVID, dip 1 full dropper into each nostril 10-15 minutes prior to the nasal tube testing (PCR TEST).
Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug, including allergic reactions to the essential oil of clove.
Side effects: During the use of this mixture no side effects were observed.
Product description: this mixture is an infusion of three plants esters with cold-pressed coconut oil. The herbal drug is produced in one of the Buddhist temples in Thailand using ancient technologies that have not changed much over a couple of centuries of their use. the manufacturers keep secret what parts of the plants are infused with the base coconut oil and at what temperature. After numerous requests from my side they told me which plants are part of the mixture but they refused to tell me their proportions and technological features.
I have accumulated more than 2 years of therapeutic experience of using this herbal drug in my practice to cure patients primarily of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Since these diseases are overwhelmingly associated with the functioning of the human lymphatic system it is optimal to prescribe it together with Houttunia Cordifolia or Plyukao tablets, as they are called in Thailand.
In case of mucosal restoration therapy after chemical burns with vasodilating drops, amphetamine or chemo-trace aerosols, the use of "Plyukao" as part of therapy is not required. As a rule of a thumb the dependence on chemical nasal drops usually wanes within two to three weeks.
The average recovery period of patients with uncomplicated sinusitis and chronic rhinitis in combined therapy with NC-153 infusion and with Houttuynia extract in the dosage of 1 tablet in the morning after sleep and 1 in the evening before sleep is about 30 days.
When there is frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis and complicated forms of sinusitis in addition to the daily intake of 2 tablets of Houttunia Cordifolia it is necessary to add an extract of Ganoderma Lucidum in a dosage of 2 capsules 3 times a day one hour before meals. The average duration of treatment for severe forms is from 120 to 180 days.
When there is scleroma it is necessary to use instead of Ganoderma Lucidum extract Cracked Shell Lingzhi Spores and the treatment takes from 180 days to a year in such case. In some cases we need to add other herbal drugs to the therapeutic scheme, including immunomodulators and detoxifiers, for which, if possible it is worth signing up for a consultation on the website.
Let's talk in more detail about each of the three components of the infusion:
Andrographis paniculata - “For more than two hundred years in Asian countries, Andrographis paniculata has been used to treat colds and viral infections, as well as for preventive purposes it has been used to boost the immunity level. The benefits of using Andrographis paniculata were clearly stated in the last century by the scientific minds of Great Britain, whose studies can be found in the Pharmaceutical Code and in the Indian Pharmacopoeia. These studies were carried out mainly during the time when India was a British colony. The chemical composition of andrographis includes more than twenty types of various diterpenoid compounds and more than a dozen flavonoids, which provide for the biological activity of the plant. The antiviral properties of the plant lie in its ability to destroy the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). This property is explained by the presence of andrographolides and dide-hydro-andrographolides in the composition of the plant extract. Chinese scientists conducted a detailed study of the effects of Adrografolide on human biochemistry as part of clinical academic studies. As a result, it was found that Andrographis paniculata affects human immunity in two ways: 1. stimulates the production of macrophages and the identification of viral and bacterial infections by macrophages. 2. Promotes the production of antibodies by the body during viral infections.
In Thailand, Andrographis, or as it is called in Thailand, Fa-Thalai-Jon, is sold in all pharmacies and convenience stores and is the main remedy for viral diseases, including fevers caused by malarial insect bites. Recent 2020 studies at medical universities in Japan, Thailand and Malaysia have determined the unusually high efficacy of andrographolide for the treatment of COVID-19, or rather what is called this abbreviation. The massive use of andrographis by Thai citizens has brought to naught the spread of the disease in Thailand, where there are practically no deaths from what is called COVID. In ancient times, the inhabitants of Asian countries, at the first symptoms of viral diseases, made a decoction or chewed the leaves of the plant, but in modern time the herbal drug is produced mainly in capsules, because its bitterness is higher than the bitterness of quinine and it is as effective as much as it is bitter.
The second aspect of Andrographis Paniculata is its antibacterial properties. It has been established that the plant is highly effective against the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. for a person without a medical education to have an understanding it must be said that Staphylococcus aureus is a type of spherical gram-positive bacteria from the genus of Staphylococcus aureus. Approximately 25-40% of the population are permanent carriers of this bacterium, which can persist on the skin and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of a whole range of different diseases, including skin infections - acne, furunculosis, phlegmon, carbunculosis, including deadly diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, infectious toxic shock and sepsis. The range of diseases extends from skin, soft tissue, respiratory, bone, articular and endovascular to wounds. The plant also effectively acts against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which has a fairly strong resistance to drugs, and also contributes to the treatment of tuberculosis by influencing microbacteria. The effectiveness of andrographolide therapy in the treatment of viral infections and colds significantly exceeds modern chemically synthesized drugs of orthodox medicine. In addition to Asian countries, in some Scandinavian countries where society prefers natural medicine, Andrographis paniculata is the most sought-after remedy for viral infections. Andrographis paniculata extract, in addition to its antiviral and antibacterial properties, has a weak antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The plant contains an active immunomodulator and antiviral agent called Adrografolide, which interacts directly with the virus, inhibiting its biological activity as part of its reproduction.
Barleria Lupulina. in the countries of Southeast Asia, the plant has been used for several hundred years as an effective antidote for insect and snake bites. For this the leaves of the plant are chewed in the mouth until they become a gruel and then it is applied to the bite area on the skin of a snake, scorpion, centipede, spider, hornet or forest wasp. It is also used for treating dog bites. The plant has been used in ayurvedic medicine for over 1000 years. It is used externally for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, oral ulcers, mucous membranes and skin, also used for treating open bleeding wounds. Orally, the plant was used in ayurvedic medicine in the form of a decoction for the treatment of furunculosis, carbunculosis, acne, herpes simplex and herpes zoster and smallpox. Currently it is available as a plant leaf extract in encapsulated form or in infusions of glycerin or base oils. In the case of nasal drops, coconut oil is used. Barleria exhibits an anesthetic effect - that is, it reduces pain during sprains, bruises and rheumatism. The roots of the plant in the form of decoctions have been used since ancient times for viral and bacterial diarrhea, as well as for detoxification in case of poisoning with biological poisons. Modern studies of the plant have not been put on public display, but in certain circles, including in modern ayurvedic, the plant is effectively used as an aid in the treatment of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and ulcerative colitis, since it is clinically established that barleria extract at a dose of 200 mg / kg effectively reduces the volume of gastric juice, total acidity and inhibits the development of duodenal and stomach ulcers. Internal intake of barleria extract at a dose of 300 mg/kg resulted in a significant decrease in blood glucose levels. It was also found that barleria has a positive effect on the central nervous system, increases the time and quality of sleep, which leads to the use of barleria as part of mixtures for the treatment of sleep disorders.
Syzygium Aromatics or as it is also called Clove tree is a tropical tree from the Myrtle family. The fruits and dried flowers of this plant are used in Chinese folk medicine as an analgesic for diseases of the digestive system, dyspepsia, and poor appetite. The oil of the fruits of Syzygium Aromatics has been used since ancient times as an external antiseptic for treating dermatological diseases, including ringworm, and warts. The herbal drug reduces hyperglycemia, activates the cleansing processes in the connective tissue, improves the condition of the liver. In ayurvedic medicine it has long been used to treat diabetes, as well as for weight loss, general weakness, chronic ulcers or small itchy pimples on the skin. The essential oil of Syzygium Aromatics is widely used in dental practice as an antiseptic. A few words about modern research in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The essential oil of syzygium and eugenol in the composition of the plant have a bacteriostatic effect on the tubercle bacillus at a concentration of 1:8000. The antimicrobial properties of the plant leaves extracts have been experimentally confirmed. Alcohol tincture of syzygium flowers has a bacteriostatic effect on the anthrax pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus and dysentery bacteria such as Flexner, Shiga, paratyphoid bacilli A and B, plague and cholera bacilli, and influenza virus. Syzygium herbal drugs have a strong fungicidal effect on various types of fungi that cause skin disease. Studies by American scientists in the mid-20th century showed the effectiveness of the use of medical raw materials of fragrant syzygium, in particular essential oil, for the prevention and treatment of cancer in patients, since eugenol is able to actively fight the growth of cancer cells.
The herbal drug NC-153 which is produced by the monks of one of the monasteries in the Kingdom of Thailand is presented on the slide show in the form of drops with a dispenser. On the Internet, some websites are offering non-original herbal drugs in exactly the same vials and with exactly the same labels. The content of the fakes is unknown but as a rule, websites write common phrases like: Thai oils, Play oil, and so on ... You can buy the original herbal drug directly from the manufacturer on the website of the online store, postal delivery to most countries of the world is possible.
The herbal drug which was presented is used as part of a complex therapy for the treatment and prevention of viral infections and chemical poisoning. In particular, as part of complexes for the treatment of what is called COVID, as well as for the treatment of what is called community-acquired pneumonia or chemical pneumonitis. has 3 kits for the treatment of what the establishment calls COVID. NC-153 Drops are included in all three kits, they differ by the severity of the disease and are classified as mild, complicated and critical forms of the disease.
In addition to what was said earlier NC-153 is part of a complex for removing toxins from the body, including those obtained by means of nanoaerosols sprayed from special aircraft and which are called chemtrails. This complex is by far the most effective tool for maintaining the body in a "clean" state, this obviously prevents the development of chronic diseases in the future. Multinational pharmaceutical companies and their IT partners are purposefully poisoning human bodies through chemtrails, special chemical processing of popular foods, including coffee, tea, processed meats, non-alcoholic and alcoholic products, tobacco products and many other everyday products consumed by people around the world.
Also, this herbal drug is part of a complex for restoring taste and olfactory functions after their loss due to a disease called COVID.
For the convenience of those who have an accurate diagnosis and do not need an advice of a specialist complete sets of herbal drugs for the treatment of diseases, which are ordered by name have been created. You can find more about this in the sets section on or use the search bar instead.
Product type | Liquid |
Release form | Infused oil |
Packaging type | Vial |
Package quantity, PCs. | 600 |
Length | 30 m |
Height | 98 m |
Width | 30 m |
Weight, gross | 50 g |
Weight | 50 g |
Volume | 30 мл |
Shelf life and storage conditions | 4 years in a dark place |
Product classification | Ayurvedic drugs |
Made by | Asiabiopharm Co Ltd |
Country of origin | Thailand |
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