Plucaow Tablets (Houttuynia Cordata Extract KLO)

Product code: THKLOS-0047

Indication for use: herpes, herpes zoster, allergies, bronchial asthma, lymphangiitis, lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis, hypoplasia of vessels and nodes, lymphangiectasia, lymphangiopathy obliterans, lymphangiomatosis, Hodgkin's disease, oncoprotector for people from risk groups, obliterating obesity.

Using as an adjuvant: lymphangioma, lymphocytic leukemia, lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis, psoriasis, eczema, cystitis, urethritis, leucorrhea (leucorrhea), influenza, sinusitis, human immunodeficiency virus.

Therapeutic action: antitumor, immunomodulator, oncoprotector, antimutagenic, antiallergic, diuretic, lowers blood cholesterol, polyp inhibitor, adjuvant action - that is, an immune response enhancer.

Product composition:

Plukaow Extract Plus Khaolaor

1. Houttuynia Сordata Extract 300 mg.

2. Yeast Beta Glukan 50 mg.

3. L-Ascorbic Acid 30 mg.

Methods of administration and dosages: 1 tablet 2 times a day, regardless of food intake in the morning and evening.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, anemia.

Side effects: during the use of this herbal drug no side effects were observed if the recommended dose is observed.


Khaolaor Laboratory Plukaow Extract Plus overview

As a therapeutic herbal drug is used when there are direct diseases of the lymphatic system. The list of main direct diseases of the lymphatic system includes: lymphangitis, lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis, hypoplasia of vessels and nodes, lymphangiectasia, lymphangiopathy obliterans, lymphangiomatosis, Hodgkin's disease, lymphangioma, lymphocytic leukemia, lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis. In addition to direct diseases of the lymphatic system, there are a number of diseases that are directly related to the activity of the lymphatic and immune systems: allergies, bronchial asthma, herpes, herpes zoster, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes mellitus and leukorrhea, which is vaginal leucorrhoea. Curiously, the white vaginal discharges themselves are not a disease - they are a consequence or a symptom, where the lymphatic system is directly involved. Another purpose of the extract of Houttuynia cordate is treating obliterating obesity.

The standard dosage: The standard dosage of the herbal drug is 1 tablet 3 times a day, regardless of food intake. However, in case of oncological diseases of the lymphatic system, as well as diabetes mellitus and the human immunodeficiency virus the dosage may be increased after a consultation with the attending physician.

Using as a preventative measure: recommended for people older than the age of 40 years to prevent autoimmune diseases, including cancer, as well as to stabilize the immune system. This is especially true in megacities, where the surroundings and nutrition are most often a pathogenic environment for human life in general, this includes psychological effects such as stress, depression, neuroses and hysteria. It is taken in a dosage of 1 tablet 2 times a day, morning and evening, regardless of food intake. The preventive course is 90 days a year.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, anemia.

Side effects: during the use of this herbal drug no side effects were observed if the recommended dose is observed.

Product description: Houttuynia Сordata is a monotypic plant - that is, it exists in one genus of the Savuraceae family and this genus includes only one plant, which will be discussed today. In Ayurvedic medicine of ancient China, the plant was used to treat diseases of the lymphatic system, as well as diseases associated in one way or another with the activity of the human immune system, including the activity of the thyroid gland, because it is the defining gland of the immune system. Since the time of ancient China, the healers of those times have kept recipes based on Houttuynia Сordata in secret and passed them down from generation to generation because there are not so many plants that are prescribed for treating autoimmune diseases and Houttuynia Сordata is one of several plants that can be used for precisely these healing tasks.

The second component of the drug is Yeast Beta Glukan. Yeast Beta Glukan is a highly effective immunomodulatory polysaccharide agent, it is used in ayurvedic compositions in a natural extract form obtained from a certain kind of medical wood-destroying mushrooms. The main purpose of Yeast Beta Glukan as part of the Plucao herbal composition is its ability to attach to the macrophage receptor, if anyone does not know or does not remember what are macrophages those are cells in the body of animals, including. human, capable of actively capturing and digesting bacteria, the remains of dead cells and other foreign or toxic particles to the body. Attached to the macrophage receptor, Yeast Beta Glukan communicates information to the macrophage, speaking in a language understandable to everyone - this is a sentinel with binoculars on the tower of a warship who is looking for an enemy and directs the macrophage to a harmful object that needs to be destroyed. Such objects inside the body are viruses, bacteria, mutagens and a number of other harmful pathologies. First of all, this increases the antitumor efficacy of the herbal drug, including in oncological diseases.

Another component of the herbal drug composition is natural ascorbic acid, which differs significantly from chemically synthesized ascorbic acid in its properties. Ascorbic acid is a source of vitamin C, which is actively involved in biochemical processes in the human body. Hippocrates, in the history available to you and me, was the first to describe as early as 400 BC diseases caused by a lack of ascorbic acid in the body and in 1937 Heworth and Szent-Gyorgyi received the Nobel Prize for the results of their research on vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is an essential component which increases the therapeutic effect of Plucao. Plucao Extract Plus which is produced by Khaolaor Laboratory in the Kingdom of Thailand is presented on the slide show. The components of the herbal composition consist of an extract of Houttuynia Сordata in combination with Yeast Beta Glukan and natural ascorbic acid. You can buy this product from the distributor, the Asiabiopharm company on the website of the online store Postal delivery is carried out to most countries of the world.

Product type Tablets
Release form Capsule 380 mg
Packaging type Vial
Package quantity, PCs. 60
Length 60 mm
Height 95 mm
Width 60 mm
Weight, gross 100 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Made by Khaolaor Laboratories Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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