Set for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus (for 1 month)
- Squalene 5000 (60 капсул (1/6 Упаковки)) - 1 pcs
- Morin Capsules (Morinda citrifolia extract or Bengal Quince KLO) - 5 pcs
- Turmeric (Curcuma longa) in Tablets (KLO) - 4 pcs
- Balsam Apple (Momordica Сharantia, Gumnopetalum Сochinchinense and Tinospora Crispa Extract KLO) - 3 pcs
- Bitter Melon (Healthy Care) - 1 pcs
- Colostrum (Healthy Care) (100 касул (1/2 упаковки)) - 1 pcs
- Thunbergia Laurifolia Tablets (KLO) - 3 pcs
- Moringa Oleifera Extract Capsules (KLO) - 5 pcs
- K-CENLA Capsules - Centella Asiatica Extract (KLO) - 3 pcs
- Cordyceps V (World Medica) (V диабет) - 1 pcs
- Squalene 5000 (180 капсул (1/2 упаковки)) - 1 pcs
- Morin Capsules (Morinda citrifolia extract or Bengal Quince KLO) - 14 pcs
- Turmeric (Curcuma longa) in Tablets (KLO) - 11 pcs
- Balsam Apple (Momordica Сharantia, Gumnopetalum Сochinchinense and Tinospora Crispa Extract KLO) - 9 pcs
- Bitter Melon (Healthy Care) - 3 pcs
- Colostrum (Healthy Care) (100 касул (1/2 упаковки)) - 3 pcs
- Thunbergia Laurifolia Tablets (KLO) - 9 pcs
- Moringa Oleifera Extract Capsules (KLO) - 14 pcs
- K-CENLA Capsules - Centella Asiatica Extract (KLO) - 9 pcs
- Cordyceps V (World Medica) (V диабет) - 3 pcs
Indication for use: type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Using as an adjuvant: is not used.
Special requirement: A required prerequisite for this procedure is a strict adherence to the "7 Angels" nutrition system which must be studied thoroughly in advance, you can find more information by following this link. All foods containing STARCH (including: potatoes, corn, bananas and all varieties of rice except organic black, as well as rutabagas, radishes, beets, chickpeas and peas) have to be EXCLUDED from the dietary system of someone who suffers from type 1 diabetes until they fully recover. Significantly limit the consumption of products containing GLUTEN (no more than 100 grams per day), including: barley, rye, wheat, including wheat germ, including seitan, couscous, bulgur, semolina and matzo, as well as various hybrids of these crops. The consumption of all types of animal food is prohibited except for lean sea fish on Mondays and Thursdays and quail eggs on Fridays.
Set contents:
1. Squalene 5000 (60 capsules)
2. Cordyceps V (1 pack)
3. K-Cenla (3 packs)
4. Morin (5 packs)
5. Turmeric (4 packs)
6. Balsam Apple (3 packs)
7. Moringa (4 packs)
8. Bitter Melon (100 capsules)
9. Thunbergia (4 packs * 70 capsules or 3 packs * 100 capsules)
10. Colostrum (100 capsules)
Usage scheme for this therapeutic set:
1. In the morning on an empty stomach, take 1 Squalene 5000 capsule together with 3 K-CENLA tablets and 5 Moringa capsules.
2. Take 4 Turmeric capsules 20 minutes before breakfast
3. Take 3 Balsam apple capsules immediately before breakfast
4. Immediately after breakfast take 1 capsule of "Cordyceps V" together with 3 capsules of "Morin"
5. 2 hours after breakfast, take 3 Thunbergia tablets together with together with 1 Bitter melon and 1 Colostrum tablet.
6. Take 5 Moringa capsules 1 hour before lunch
7. Take 4 Turmeric capsules 20 minutes before lunch
8. Take 3 Balsam apple capsules immediately before lunch
9. Take 3 Morin capsules immediately after lunch
10. 2 hours after lunch, take 3 Thunbergia tablets together with together with 1 Bitter melon and 1 Colostrum tablet.
11. Take 4 Turmeric capsules 20 minutes before dinner
12. Take 3 Balsam apple capsules immediately before dinner
13. Take 3 Morin capsules immediately after dinner
14. 2 hours after dinner, take 3 Thunbergia tablets together with together with 1 Bitter melon and 1 Colostrum tablet.
15. Just before bedtime, take 1 Squalene 5000 capsule together with 3 K-CENLA tablets and 5 Moringa capsules
Additional components in case of complications:
1. microangiopathy: take 6 capsules of "Ammaruk" 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
2. arthropathy: take 4 capsules of Tal Val Paeng 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
3. ophthalmopathy, retinopathy: in the morning (clause 1) and evening (clause 15) add 2 capsules of Marigold Plus. Add 1 capsule of Blueberry & Lutein to the herbal supplements (clauses 5, 10, 14).
4. nephropathy: add Orthosiphon 1 capsule 3 times a day immediately after meals.
If type II diabetes mellitus is combined with other types of chronic diseases it is necessary to schedule a personal consultation with a naturopath by following this link.
The indicated dosages are intended for individuals weighing 40 kg and more. If your body weight is less than 40 kg you must schedule an appointment for a consultation to determine the correct dosage for the treatment scheme.
Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the drug.
Side effects: During the use of this set no side effects were observed.
Why Modern Medicine Doesn't Cure Type II Diabetes
In 1999 the WHO (World Health Organization) has issued its description of this disease: Type II diabetes mellitus (non-insulin dependent diabetes) is a metabolic disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, which develops as a result of a violation of the interaction of insulin with tissue cells. Type II diabetes mellitus is caused by a combination of genetic and lifetime factors. The vast majority of people with this type of disease are overweight. Obesity itself is one of the major risk factors for developing type II diabetes. In obese children, the risk of developing type II diabetes is increased by 4 times - all of this is written in Wikipedia and is available for everyone to read but Wikipedia does not state what actually causes obesity, and as a result what are diabetes exactly? Modern medicine began to blame genetics for everything that it does not want to cure a long time ago. The symbol which was invented by the UN in the form of a blue circle denotes infinity on the sacred plane, or rather, continuity, or, if you like, the incurability of the disease. The circle symbolizes the "Ouroboros", and the blue color of the Serpent's body - the flexibility and plasticity of the water element. This association is not AGAINST diabetes but FOR diabetes and the pharmacological transnational corporations and their subordinate organizations, including polyclinics are united. Smart scientists look through their microscopes and find new evidence of the incurability of this terrible disease while along the way creating fantastic theories about the origin of it while completely ignoring what they were urged to ignore by those who fund their research and such publications in the press. Diabetes is a modern disease that our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers did not suffer from, it is caused by the use of chemical additives which are approved by the same WHO and are actively used in the production of food, cosmetics and in other spheres of application, including in fragrances that act through the respiratory system.
Мало кто знает, как устроены отношения между бигфармой и рядовым врачом в поликлинике - конечно, через систему денежных поощрений, бонусов и наказаний, которые регулируются министерствами "здравоохранения" стран и ВОЗ. Их задача не вылечить кого-то от диабета, а сделать пациента терпимым больным до самой смерти и заставить его зависеть от потребления химикатов, которые производит сама большая фарма. Каждый пациент, «приговоренный» врачом-эндокринологом к постоянному приобретению противодиабетических препаратов, прямо или косвенно приносит материальную выгоду себе, а также главному врачу поликлиники, районному, городскому и областному министерствам «здравоохранения» и вышестоящим им ВОЗ. это сообщество « асклепийцев » финансируется бигфармой, которая создала для этого специальные фонды и под видом льгот, грантов, бонусов и других акций стимулирует это сообщество разрушителей здоровья человека.
Целители древности, как восточные, так и европейские, успешно лечили весь этот спектр хронических заболеваний человеческого организма. Их работы не афишируются и не признаются современным медицинским и фармакологическим бизнес-сообществом по изложенным выше причинам, это вполне понятно для умного человека. У каждого есть выбор и этот выбор подходит каждому. Каждому своё, каждому своё...
Product type | Set |
Packaging type | Box |
Length | 60 mm |
Height | 95 mm |
Width | 60 mm |
Weight, gross | 2650 g |
Weight | 2650 g |
Shelf life and storage conditions | 3 years |
Product classification | Ayurvedic set |
Made by | Asiabiopharm Co Ltd |
Country of origin | Thailand |
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