Gum disease treatment kit

Product code: THKLOS-004893
€83 €110

Indication for use: catarrhal gingivitis, hypertrophic gingivitis, including ophthalmic and fibrous forms of hypertrophic gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease

Product composition:

1. Scraper for cleaning the oral cavity "Dentist"

2. Interdental Cleaner «Smart Hygenic Toothpics»

3. Organic toothpaste "100% Gum Care Organic Herb"

4. Organic toothpaste "100% Organic Dentist Nighttime Sensitive"

5. Mouth Powder «Relief Mouth Ucler TFD»

6. Oral Rinse «Dentist Andrographis Paniculata»

7. Mixture «Khaolaor Mouth Gel»

8. Oil infusion "Herbal 108"

Usage scheme for this therapeutic set:

After breakfast, carry out a complete preventative procedure on the oral cavity: clean the tongue with a special scraper "Dentist Bacteria & Bad Breath Buster", carefully remove plaque, in case there are abscesses on the mucous membranes, including tonsils - remove them. Thoroughly clean the interdental spaces with the Smart Hygenic Toothpics interdental brushes. If there are periodontal pockets thoroughly clean the periodontal pockets. It is advisable to use an irrigator. After that clean your teeth with "100% Gum Care Organic Herb" toothpaste, rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water. Prepare a cotton swab by soaking it in the 108 herbs oil infusion. Lubricate the tonsils, the root of the tongue, the back wall of the throat (larynx) with the swab that you have prepared. Put the "Relief Mouth Ucler TFD" powder for the treatment of oral cavity diseases in periodontal pockets - do not eat or drink anything before lunch. After lunch, as well as after every meal thoroughly rinse the oral cavity with the Dentist Andrographis Paniculata. After dinner, carry out a complete preventative procedure of the oral cavity: clean the tongue with a special scraper "Dentist Bacteria & Bad Breath Buster", carefully remove plaque, in the presence of abscesses on the mucous membranes, including tonsils - remove it. Thoroughly clean the interdental spaces with the Smart Hygenic Toothpics interdental brushes. If there are periodontal pockets, also thoroughly clean the periodontal pockets. It is advisable to use an irrigator. After that brush your teeth with "100% Organic Dentist Nighttime Sensitive" toothpaste, rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water. Apply a thin layer of "Khaolaor Mouth Gel" on the root of the tongue, the inner and outer surface of the gums, in the presence of periodontal pockets - lay the gel in the periodontal pockets. After the procedure, do not eat or drink anything until morning. The course is 30 days.

ATTENTION If there is a diagnosis of PARODONTOSIS - it is necessary to use this set with oral medications that affect the vascular system. In this case, you should schedule a consultation with a naturopath by following this LINK.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gingival margin, including the interdental gingival papillae (that is, the part of the gum that is directly adjacent to the bottom of the teeth). The main symptoms of this disease are periodic bleeding and soreness of the gums when brushing your teeth, redness or cyanosis of the gingival margin, swelling of the gingival papillae, and bad breath is often present. Gingivitis with a predominance of such symptoms is called "catarrhal" by dentists. The cause of catarrhal gingivitis is malnutrition and poor oral hygiene. As a result, soft microbial plaque accumulates at the bottom of the teeth, and over time, hard dental deposits form, which are called "Tatar". The development of inflammation is due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria that are part of microbial plaque and tartar secrete toxins and inflammatory mediators that trigger a chain of inflammatory reactions in the gums. Inflammation in gingivitis affects only the mucous membrane of the gums - without destruction of the periodontal attachment or bone tissue around the teeth - which is already characteristic of a more severe form of gum inflammation - periodontitis. The transformation of gingivitis into periodontitis is only a matter of time if the patient focuses on antiseptic mouth rinses and gel applications and not on a comprehensive approach to changing the diet and changing oral hygiene to all-natural preparations that do not contain fluoride, SLS and other chemically synthesized components. Catarrhal gingivitis is the most common form of gingivitis, but not the only form. Sometimes patients can find a hypertrophic form of gingivitis, which is manifested by an increase in the volume of the gingival papillae or the gingival margin as a whole (usually only in the area of the front teeth). Most often, this form occurs in pregnant women and adolescents and is associated with hormonal changes in the body. There are edematous and fibrous forms of hypertrophic gingivitis.

Periodontitis - in the absence of treatment or improper treatment of catarrhal gingivitis it turns into chronic generalized periodontitis. If gingivitis inflammation covers only the mucous membrane of the gums periodontitis causes a gradual destruction of the periodontal attachment, as well as the bone tissue around the teeth. As a result, over time it causes tooth mobility and the need to remove them arises. Periodontitis can be mild, moderate or severe. The symptoms of mild periodontitis differ a little bit from the symptoms of catarrhal gingivitis and the patient in most of the cases will not notice that the condition of the gums has "significantly worsened." Vivid symptoms of periodontitis include - the mobility of the teeth, their displacement and exposure of the roots – they become noticeable only in its moderate and severe forms. With mild periodontitis, the depth of periodontal pockets is no more than 3.5 mm. With periodontitis of moderate and severe degree, the depth of periodontal pockets reaches 5-6 mm or more, and the volume of bone destruction around the tooth is such that teeth mobility appears on few teeth and then on most of them. Further, under the influence of mechanical loads, the teeth begin to move in different directions or fan out. In addition to chronic generalized periodontitis, there is localized periodontitis. With localized periodontitis, the development is not around all teeth but only around 1-2 teeth. It happens because of local causes. This can be an overhanging edge of the filling in the interdental space, or a poorly placed filling on the lateral surface of the tooth (as a result of which there is no tight contact between the teeth in the interdental space).

Periodontal disease is a very special disease. It is not caused by inflammatory processes but by the neuro-tissue degeneration of all periodontal tissues - i.e. gums, periodontal and bone tissue around the teeth. The mucous membrane of the gums in periodontal disease has no signs of inflammation - it is pale pink, dense, there is no bleeding when you brush your teeth. The main cause for the development of tissue dystrophy (periodontal disease) is an age-related change in blood vessels, and that is why this disease can most often be found in pensioners. It should be noted that with age, the vessels become sclerosed (their lumen decreases), and as a result, the blood supply to the bone and soft tissues of the gums, their saturation with nutrients and oxygen deteriorates. This causes the development of sclerosis and atrophy of the bone tissue, which is visually manifested by a decrease in the height of the gums and exposure of the teeth roots. With the development of periodontal disease, the lack of teeth mobility happens, even with a significant loss of bone tissue around them. Studies have shown that this is due to a significant decrease in the thickness of the periodontium (due to which the tooth attaches to the bone tissue), as well as due to a qualitative change in the connective tissue, which is gradually replaced by a simple fibrous tissue. As a result, the tooth is tightly fused to the bone. Often there are difficulties with the identification of this disease. The reasons for that are as follows: Firstly, with periodontal disease, there is always a delay in the abrasion of the bumps (on the chewing surfaces of the teeth), Secondly the presence of a large number of wedge-shaped defects in the region of the bottom of the teeth.

Contraindications \ Precautions: individual intolerance to the components of the set.

Side effects: When the suggested dosages were used no side-effects were observed.

Product type Set
Weight, gross 905 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Country of origin Thailand

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