Immunytop (Allicin Powder)

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Product description: Allicin, an organic compound, a sulfoxide, which is extracted from garlic through a special mechanical method. Allicin is not found in live, unprocessed garlic, so it cannot be obtained by eating garlic. Allicin is formed from the substance alliin, which is just found in living garlic. Allicin is highly active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Its activity is preserved in the blood and gastric juice. Studies of Allicin were carried out in many countries, including Israel and Russia at the Weizmann Institute. The speaker was Dr. Aron Rehovot, who read to the Academic Commission the results of joint studies of Allicin on the human body, conducted jointly with the Hebrew University. I will quote some excerpts from the report of Dr. Aron: The antifungal action of allicin has long been used in folk medicine to treat skin diseases and treat nail lesions. We have proposed products of stabilized allicin used in the form of drops and creams, as well as a special device for the formation of allicin locally at the area of a fungal infection. A group of volunteers completed a 4-6 week course of treatment with a clear positive result. The task of the near future is the introduction of allicin which contains antifungal drugs into medical practice.

A series of studies in our group was devoted to the study of the effect of allicin on diseases of the cardiovascular system. A number of earlier works testified on the beneficial effects of garlic and allicin on hypertension, and blood lipid profile. In animal studies with simulated models of hypertension and atherosclerosis, we have shown that pure allicin significantly reduces elevated blood pressure, total serum cholesterol and triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, while at the same time increasing the level of “good” cholesterol, i.e. cholesterol in high density lipoproteins.

The most important property of allicin was its ability to reverse the development of atherosclerotic plaques and thus clear the lumen of blood vessels. Remarkable results were obtained jointly with Professor Rosenthal from Tel Aviv University on the effect of allicin on the disease of the XXI century, the so-called metabolic syndrome (syndrome X). This syndrome is characterized by a complex of high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol and blood triglycerides, impaired lipid balance, hypertension, hyperinsulinemia and obesity.

Allicin in model animals had the ability to lower blood pressure, normalize lipid metabolism, lower cholesterol, homocysteine and triglycerides, lower blood insulin levels and, which was a complete surprise, prevent weight gain in model animals without disturbing their general condition.

One of the most valuable properties of garlic is its anti-cancer property. In addition to the beliefs and experience of traditional medicine, extensive material has been accumulated in the 20th century, indicating the protective effect of garlic from development of oncological diseases. Extensive epidemiological studies have shown that in areas where the population constantly eats large amounts of garlic the amount of colon and rectal cancer incidences is reduced by third at least.

American clinicians have convincingly proved that the more we consume this plant, the lower the levels of carcinogenic processes in the body that can lead to the development of cancer become, and the more effective its preventive protective effect. The anti-cancer effect of allicin was noticed shortly after its discovery. Following this, a lot of works appeared on its cytotoxic and anti-proliferative action. The therapeutic properties of Allicin were confirmed: immunomodulator, cardiovascular protector, has a moderate hypotensive property, normalizes blood lipid composition, anticoagulant, has an antithrombotic effect, a catalyst for glucose uptake, normalizes the metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract, has a pronounced antibiotic effect - antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, insecticidal. When a specific dose is reached, it acquires a cytotoxic and anticancer effect.

Product type Natural herb powder
Packaging type Craft bag
Shelf life and storage conditions 3 years
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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