Scentless Cowplant (Powder)

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Gymnema Inodorum is a tropical plant widely used in ayurvedic medicine. Forest Gymnema Inodorum contains saponins, acids, beta-amirin, choline, flavonoids, betaine and anthrachione. Gymnema Inodorum helps reducing appetite and reduces cravings for sweet foods. In traditional medicine, an extract from the leaves of Gymnema Inodorum has been used for about 70 years as an antidiabetic agent, as well as a means to normalize the metabolism in the body. It has been proven that the plant is able to reduce glucose levels and prevent its absorption in the intestines. By improving the glucose uptake of cells Gymnema Inodorum prevents fatty liver. Gymnema Inodorum extract has a beneficial effect on pancreatic cells, promotes their recovery, increases insulin synthesis, promotes the activation of enzymes that are involved in glucose metabolism, and also creates a blockage of sugar absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, in type 1 diabetes, the plant leaf extract normalizes sugar levels due to the activation of insulin action, as well as causes a decrease in insulin resistance of cells and tissues of the human body. In type 2 diabetes, Gymnema Inodorum lowers blood glucose. In addition, Gymnema Inodorum normalizes the level of lipids in the blood, thereby preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are often a complication of increased glucose levels in the blood. Gymnema Inodorum has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, it activates intestinal motility, cures chronic constipation, reduces swelling, it has diuretic properties. Since the leaves extract of the plant suppresses appetite, Gymnema Inodorum is recognized as an effective tool in the fight against excess weight and obesity, in addition, the active substances of Gymnema Inodorum burn bad cholesterol. The usage of the plant leaf extract has no side effects and can be used to prevent diabetes, especially in the elderly. In 2013, microbiologists at the University of Kansas made a startling discovery, a breakthrough in herbal medicine for a fungal disease called candidiasis. The disease is found in almost 80% of people worldwide. Gymnema Inodorum plant extract blocks the growth of fungi Candida albicans, which is due to the active effect of gynemic acid. Another interesting aspect in the study of the effect of gymnemic acid is its detrimental effect on the growth of another dangerous fungus - aspergillus. Numerous studies have proven the antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties of Gymnema Inodorum. Gymnema Inodorum has a tonic effect on the entire human body, can be used as a preventive measure against acute respiratory viral infections, in the fight against edema and allergies, as well as to improve digestion and eliminate constipation. Gymnemas Inodorum use is known in ophthalmic practice, for example it is used for the treatment of cataracts. In addition, Gymnema Inodorum is considered an effective treatment for gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Fresh leaves suppress hunger and can also be used externally for treating inflammation, burns and wounds.

Product type Natural herb powder
Packaging type Craft bag
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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