Senna Alexandrina (Powder)

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Product description: Senna Alexandrina is holly Cassia and Egyptian Senna. In medicine, the plant has been used since the period of ancient Egypt. The most common use is as a laxative for intermittent and atonic constipation. However, Senna Alexandrina has other indications. Senna has long been used as an expectorant to remove sputum from the bronchopulmonary system. The modern pharmacological industry is not interested in natural drugs, this also applies to Senna Alexandrina, so at one time custom-made false studies were made and information was published in the media that the use of Senna Alexandrina based drugs is addictive and even causes cancer. False information was spread in custom articles that the consumption of an anthranoid-containing laxative leads to oncology of the colon and rectum. This is obviously not true and independent studies by a group of Japanese scientists: Dr. Hayashi, Dr. Tahaka, Dr. Minatin and Dr. Yoshizawa were published in the Chem Pharm Bull in Tokyo in 1980. The article is called “Analytical studies of active ingredients in crude preparations. Identification of sennosides in Senna and other preparations by highly effective liquid chromatography” - if you are interested you can get acquainted with the article. The essence of the study can be reduced to one analytical conclusion: taking an extract of Senna Alexandrina at the rate of 25 mg per 1 kg of body weight daily for two years does not cause any pathological changes in the life of the object of study. The aforementioned toxicological studies show that the use of Senna Alexandrina is not dangerous to human health and does not cause side effects if the dosage and duration of the course of treatment are observed. For a person weighing 70 kg, the maximum daily intake is 1750 mg, which is 7 tablets of 250 mg.

Product type Natural herb powder
Packaging type Craft bag
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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