Andrographis paniculata (Powder)

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Indication for use: viral hepatitis A (Botkin's disease), B (serum hepatitis), C, D (delta infection), E, F, G, TTV, SEN, rubella, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, AIDS, HIV, Simplex herpes, Zoster herpes , coxsackie virus, yellow fever, Lassa fever, Marburg-Ebola fever. Group of oncological diseases: human epidermoid leukemia, lymphocytic (chronic) leukemia (lymphoid leukemia), myeloid leukemia, leukemia, breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, colorectal carcinoma (rectal cancer), prostate cancer (prostate carcinoma), lung cancer (bronchogenic carcinoma), acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML), gastric carcinoma, asthenozoospermia (low sperm motility), androgen deficiency (male hypogonadism), diabetic nephropathy, venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism.

Using as an adjuvant: stroke, angina pectoris, hypertension, bronchial asthma, arthritis, salmonellosis, shigellosis, escherichiosis, groups of streptococcal infections, including glomerulonephritis, rheumatic attack, otitis media, pneumonia, meningitis, bacteremia, pharyngitis, acne (acne), staphylococcal endocarditis, superficial pyoderma (impetigo), osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, necrotizing enterocolitis, diffuse bronchopneumonia, tracheobronchitis, legionellosis or legionnaires' disease, whooping cough, cystic fibrosis, diabetes mellitus.

Using as a preventative measure: recommended for people with weakened immune systems, as well as those at risk for oncological, cardiovascular, including diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. The preventative dosage is 1 gram 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is 30 days. The frequency is 1 time every 3 months - every third month of the year. People over 60 years of age should consult with a naturopath to determine the optimal preventive course. You can schedule an appointment with a naturopath by following this LINK.

Therapeutic action: immunostimulant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticoagulant, reduces atherosclerotic stenosis of arteries, hypotensive (reduces blood pressure), vasodilating (reduces heart rate), antitumor, oncoprotective, antidiabetic, antifeedant (sterilization of parasitic invasions that prevent reproduction), hepatoprotective, antiparasitic (causative agents of malaria), antihistamine (antiallergic), antioxidant.

Methods of administration and dosages: the standard oral dosage is 2 grams 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is from 30 to 180 days, depending on the nature and course of the disease. In the treatment of oncological diseases, the dosage and frequency of administration is calculated by a specialist personally, depending on the patient's weight, age, severity and type of the disease.

Preparation of an ethanol infusion: 100 grams of dried leaves of Andrographis paniculata powder must be mixed with 900 ml of a 70-75% aqueous-alcoholic solution. It is advisable to use alcohol of the "Alpha" category of the highest degree of purification. The mixing process should be done indoors in a dark space that has no direct sunlight and in a glass container, this space should be convenient for periodic mixing. The infusion is ready after 21 days of sitting with 2 daily shakings. Prepare and store it in a dark place away from sources of electromagnetic radiation. Glass containers with infusions should preferably be wrapped with aluminum or copper foil and it should be preferably grounded. After 21 days, the infusion is ready. If necessary, the solution can be filtered with the assistance of a filtering paper or other filtering material. If long-term storage is expected, then filtering is not possible. An ethanol solution is used as an external agent for rubbings, lotions and compresses that are used for treating the skin diseases which are indicated in the prescription. It can also be used orally. The standard single dose is 10 - 15 ml. It can be diluted with clean water.

Preparation of an oil infusion: for every 800 ml of oil it is necessary to use 200 grams of Andrographis Paniculata leaves powder. Mixing should be done indoors out of the reach of direct sunlight and in a glass container, it is convenient to have a container with a fairly wide opening for periodic mixing. The infusion is prepared for 40 days with 2 daily mixings. Prepare and store it in a dark place away from sources of electromagnetic radiation. It is advisable to wrap the glass containers with aluminum or copper foil and preferably keep them grounded. After 40 days, the infusion day is ready. Various types of oils can be used depending on the purpose. For vaginal use, organic sea buckthorn seed oil is used. For rectal use, cocoa bean oil is used. For oral use, organic coconut oil is used, which in principle can be used in the absence of other oils in all cases. All oils are, of course, cold pressed.

Preparation of an ointment: to prepare the ointment, it is necessary to prepare a glass or ceramic dish for melting. Do not use metal utensils and avoid contact with metals. It is necessary to use a pre-prepared oil infusion. In ceramic or glassware, heat the oil infusion to a temperature of 60-65 degrees Celsius. Then add pharmacopoeia wax or "zabrus" in small portions to the infusion with periodic stirring. Depending on the amount of wax added the infusion will acquire stiffness. For external use on the skin, it is better to make a denser ointment, and for use with vaginal tampons, it is better to make a more aloof ointment. The standard ratio of wax and oil is from 1:3 to 1:9, however, if you use Candelilla (vegetable) wax, then its amount must be reduced in comparison with beeswax. Candelilla wax has some useful properties: water-retaining ability, bactericidal action, vasoconstrictor action. However, these properties are useful for the preparation of solid ointments for use on the skin.

Preparation of an aqueous infusion: to prepare an aqueous infusion, it is necessary to prepare a thermos with a glass or ceramic flask, make sure that the cork does not have metal parts in contact with the infusion. It is necessary to use spring or well or distilled water. You need to make sure that the water quality is good. If the water is distilled, then it is necessary to freeze, defrost and use thawed water. In ceramic or glassware, it is necessary to heat the water to a boil. At the moment when the air bubbles make the water white just before boiling, it must be removed from the fire and immediately poured into a thermos, in which the plant powder is placed in advance.

The standard ratio is 1 plant part to 10 ml of water. The preparation time of the infusion in a thermos is 5 hours. Do not filter the contents of the thermos - only filter the single dose before oral administration using a suitable filtering material. It is best to use chemically clean filter paper for laboratories, if one is not available, it can be filtered through a clean, previously unused cloth, including through sterile gauze or bandages. The standard oral dosage of Andrographis paniculata infusion is 25 to 30 ml. for mild colds. To determine dosages for oncological, endocrine and other complex diseases, it is necessary to consult with a naturopath, you can schedule an appointment by following this LINK.

Contraindications \ Precautions: pregnancy \ fetus conception period, individual intolerance.

Side effects: has a contraceptive effect at high dosages over 2 grams. Per 1 kg of weight, but does not cause irreversible changes in the human body.

Product composition:

1. Andrographis Paniculata powder

Asiabiopharm Andrographis Paniculata overview

Andrographis Paniculata or Fa Thalai John (Thai), the translation of the Thai word to english is peculiar: “Heaven falls on the robber.” Andrographis is also called the “King of Bitterness” and is a medical plant of the Acanthus family. It is used in Siddha and Ayurvedic medicine for the prevention and treatment of cancer. In traditional Indian medicine, Andrographis is used for the treatment of influenza, SARS and liver diseases, mainly of viral etiology. Traditionally used in China to treat colds and flu. In Thailand, in December 2020, the country's Ministry of Health approved the use of a plant extract for an alternative treatment program for COVID-19. In July 2021, the Thai Cabinet approved the use of Andrographis paniculata for the treatment of COVID patients after clinical trials were conducted on prisoners in Thailand's prisons. Andrographis was administered to 11,800 infected prisoners. The effectiveness of the therapy was 99% and a complete recovery followed. In Cambodia, the dried root macerated in alcohol is consumed as an aperitif, and the seeds form a black jelly called "chahuoy khmau".

Antioxidant activity: An aqueous extract of Andrographis Paniculata significantly increases the activity of antioxidant defense enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione-S-transferase, and also reduces the constituents of glutathione. The extract significantly inhibits lipid peroxidation by reducing the level of substances that react with thiobarbituric acid in the liver and kidneys of patients suffering from diabetes, and also significantly increases the level of glutathione concentration in the liver. Andrographolide exhibits the ability to absorb free radicals, thereby reducing oxidative stress and the formation of reactive substances that react in conjunction with thiobarbituric acid.

Anti-inflammatory activity: Andrographolide significantly reduces inflammation caused by histamine, dimethylbenzene and adrenaline. Hyperproduction of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) due to the expression of inducible isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) plays a significant role in the inflammatory processes of activated macrophages. The introduction of Adrografolide completely restores the maximum contractile response of the thoracic aorta and reduces the decrease in mean arterial pressure. In simple terms, Andrographis Paniculata exhibits powerful antioxidant properties combined with hypotensive properties, that is, it lowers blood pressure.

Antibacterial activity: Andrographolide exhibits potent antimicrobial activity against various microbial organisms. Infections caused by drug-resistant organisms are a pressing problem in clinical practice that cannot be explained by modern science. The answer nevertheless exists: in nature there is everything necessary to cure any disease. Modern chemotherapy drugs do not solve the problem and cannot solve it by their own definition. If a chemical antimicrobial agent is preferred over natural treatment of the infection, then the therapy may not produce positive effects and usually leads to a worse outcome. The antibacterial activity of Andrographis Paniculata manifests itself against the following types of pathogens: Salmonella Typhimurium (Salmonella Typhimurium), Shigella (Shigella sonnei), Escherichia coli (E. coli), pyogenic streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes A), Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) apoptosis is observed at a concentration 25 mg/ml. Andrographis paniculata exhibits inhibitory activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is extremely resistant to chemical drugs, which is the main causative agent of nosocomial (nosocomial) infections, including Acinetobacter (Acinetobacter baumannii), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), stenotrophomonas bacterium ( Stenotrophomonas maltophilia), pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), as well as the Borde-Jangu bacterium or whooping cough. All of the above pathogens do not show resistance to Andrographis paniculata, which allows the herb to be used for effective treatment of a number of diseases caused by these microbes without any side effects, even with prolonged use of the drug. In addition to the above, here are the results of clinical studies: in a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial, Andrographis paniculata was administered at a dose of 6 g / day for 7 days to 152 Thai adults suffering from pharyngotonsillitis, and it turned out that the effectiveness was similar to that of acetaminophen in relieving the symptoms of fever and pain in throat, but unlike acetaminophen with no side effects.

Immunomodulatory activity: Purified Andrographolide (1 mg/kg body weight) or intragastric administration of ethanolic extracts of stems and leaves (25 mg/kg body weight) stimulate the production of antibodies and a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to erythrocytes. The extract and purified Andrographolide stimulate the innate immune response, which can be measured by macrophage migration index, phagocytosis of leucine-labeled Escherichia coli, and proliferation of spleen lymphocytes stimulated by Andrographis paniculata extract. The immunomodulatory property of the diterpene lactone Adrografolide is associated with an increase in the proliferation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes, as well as with the production of key cytokines and the expression of immune activation markers. The above mechanisms of immunomodulation shown by Andrographis paniculata are far from a complete list. The full list can be found in the "Scientific Articles" section on the product description page on

Hepatoprotective activity: Indian medical systems have long used Andrographis paniculata as a hepatostimulating and hepatoprotective agent. A recent study showed that Andrographolide attenuated toxic liver damage and inhibited hepatocyte apoptosis. Andrographis has a choleretic effect. It has been experimentally established that the effect of Adrografolid is more pronounced than that of silymarin in relation to the decrease in the volume and content of bile induced by acetaminophen (Paracetamol). For reference: Paracetamol, used as an antipyretic and analgesic, is a powerful poison that damages the gastrointestinal tract. Andrographolide protects against ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity with equivalent efficacy to silymarin. Silymarin is a preparation based on milk thistle, traditionally used as a hepatoprotector. Oral pre- and post-treatment of adult rats with Andrographis paniculata extract protects against ethanol-induced elevation of serum transaminases - in simple terms, the use of Andrographis-based drugs prolongs the life of chronic alcoholics. Animal experiments have shown that the liver damaged by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) or paracetamol is actively restored during therapy with an ethanolic extract of Andrographis Paniculata.

Antiviral activity: Andrographis Paniculata has a wide spectrum of antiviral properties, which is confirmed by numerous studies in many institutes around the world at different times. It is the antiviral properties that determine the exceptionally high efficiency of Andrographis in the treatment of viral hepatitis, as well as herpes viruses Simplex and Zoster, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes zoster, in the complete absence of cytotoxicity, unlike chemically synthesized drugs. Clinical studies have established that Andrographis paniculata exhibits neutralizing activity against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A clinical study of Adrografolid was conducted in 13 HIV-positive patients and five HIV-negative healthy volunteers. The planned protocol started at 5 mg/kg body weight for the first 3 weeks, increased to 10 mg/kg body weight for 3 weeks, and then increased to 20 mg/kg body weight for the final 3 weeks. Administration of Adrografolide significantly improved CD4 T-lymphocyte counts from a baseline mean of 405 cells/mm 3 to 501 cells/mm 3 in HIV positive patients, with no statistically significant change in mean plasma HIV-1 RNA levels. Andrographolide was tested for antiviral activity against herpes virus, flaviviruses (RNA containing viruses) and pestiviruses (mucosal disease virus). Studies by Asian scientists demonstrated that 25 μg/ml ethanolic extract of Andrographis paniculata or 5 μg/ml Adrografolide effectively inhibited the expression of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) lytic proteins, Rta, Zta, and EA-D, during the viral lytic cycle in P3HR1 cells. A recent study showed that Andrographis has the highest antiviral inhibitory activity among six medical plants tested against dengue fever (DENV1).

Antiparasitic activity: Legionellosis or Legionnaires' disease is caused by the Leginella pathogen (Legionella pneumophila) which is an intracellular parasite of the saprophytes genus. At a concentration of 0.05 mg/ml of Andrographis chloroform extract, the plant completely inhibited the growth of malaria parasites within 24 h of incubation, and the same inhibition was noted within 48 h at a concentration of methanol extract of 2.5 mg/ml. The methanol extract was found to significantly inhibit Plasmodium falciparum, which causes dengue, at a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 7.2 µg/mL. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that Andrographis Paniculata has significant antimalarial activity.

Renoprotective effects: Urolithiasis is currently a very common disease throughout the world. Approximately 27 million people in the world suffer from urolithiasis and carry calculi of varying density and size in their bodies. The study proved that the aqueous extract of Andrographis Paniculata significantly weakens the nephrotoxic effect of gentamicin, thus exhibiting a pronounced renoprotective activity. In this context, the use of Andrographis is most optimal as a broad-spectrum preventative herb in the risk group for urolithiasis. This property of the plant is an additional bonus in the general list of therapeutic properties of Andrographis paniculata.

Antipyretic and analgesic effect: The hypothermic properties of Andrographis Paniculata were clinically proven. Andrographolide at oral doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg produces a significant antipyretic effect after 3 hours of administration. In addition, doses of 180 or 360 mg/kg of Adrografolide have been found to reduce symptoms of fever in humans on the third day after administration. Adrografolide oral administration of 300 mg/kg has a significant analgesic effect in case of physical damage to the body, except for cases with thermal and chemical burns. However, with intramuscular injections, Adrografolid has an analgesic effect, including for burns. Summing it up, we can assert the effectiveness of Andrographis paniculata in diseases with pain syndromes as the main or concomitant component, depending on the etiology of the disease.

Oncoprotective property: Andrographolide exhibits potent cytotoxic activity against KB (human epidermoid leukemia) and P388 (lymphocytic leukemia) cells Among the diterpenoid lactones isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of Andrographis paniculata, Andrographolide had strong anticancer activity by inducing cellular differentiation in myeloid leukemia cells. In addition, this compound has strong anti-cancer activity against human colonic carcinoma LoVo cells by inhibiting cell cycle progression. A potent inhibitory effect of Adrografolide has been demonstrated in acute promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60 and NB4) cells, mediated by the induction of cell differentiation and apoptosis. Andrographolide inhibits adhesion of gastric cancer cells that express high levels of Lewis X sialil to human vascular endothelial cells by blocking the expression of E-selectin. Andrographolide itself stimulates the production of cytotoxic T lymphocytes through increased secretion of IL-2 and IFN-c by T cells, thereby inhibiting tumor growth in vivo. Andrographolide itself has been shown to inhibit tumor-specific angiogenesis by regulating the production of various pro- and anti-angiogenic factors such as pro-inflammatory cytokines, nitric oxide (NO), vascular endothelial growth factor, IL-2, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1. A recent study showed that Andrographolide inhibits the proliferation, migration, and cell cycle arrest of breast cancer cells in the G2/M phase and induces apoptosis through a caspase-independent pathway. The data obtained indicate that Andrographolide weakens the mobility of endothelial cells and the interaction of tumor endothelial cells. Andrographolide-induced inhibition of VEGF by cell cycle arrest is a critical mechanism for preventing angiogenesis and metastasis of lung carcinoma. The presented data clearly indicates the effectiveness of Andrographis paniculata as one of the components in the treatment of a wide range of oncological diseases of the human body.

Antihyperglycemic activity: Diabetic nephropathy has become a leading cause of end-stage renal disease. Modern methods of "treatment" with chemically synthesized drugs do not give the expected effect and have more side effects than a direct therapeutic effect. As a result of chemical medicines, many patients develop intractable diabetic nephropathy. An ethanolic extract of Andrographis Paniculata at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight twice daily for 2 weeks in patients with diabetes has been shown to reduce fasting serum triglycerides by 49.8%. It should be noted that this is more than the 27.7% reduction achieved with 500mg/kg bw twice daily for 14 days. An aqueous extract of Andrographis paniculata at a dosage of 50 mg/kg of body weight, when administered, led to a decrease in blood glucose levels by 52.9%. Andrographis Paniculata leaf dry powder was much more effective at lowering blood glucose levels by 61.8% at a lower dose of 6.25 mg/kg body weight. A dose of 400 mg/kg was found to increase the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase along with a decrease in blood glucose levels. An in vitro experiment has shown that the hypoglycemic effect of Andrographis is caused by the release of insulin from pancreatic cells through ATP-sensitive potassium channels, which is similar to the effect of other insulinotropic antidiabetic agents, but without side effects. Thus, in the treatment of diabetes, it is more effective to use Andrographis dry powder rather than extracts, especially aqueous extracts, since experiments have shown that the aqueous extract does not affect blood glucose levels in non-diabetic patients.

Lipid-lowering effects: Cholesterol and other fatty substances combine in the bloodstream and deposit in blood vessels, forming a material called plaque. An increase in lipid levels can cause plaque to grow over time and cause blood flow obstruction. If an obstruction occurs in the coronary arteries, it can lead to a heart attack. In addition, blockage of the arteries in the brain can lead to a stroke. It is extremely important to actively reduce the amount of lipids in the blood for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. A recent study has carefully demonstrated that Andrographolide has a powerful lipid-lowering effect and protects the cardiovascular system without significant liver damage by reducing TC (testosterone), TG (triglycerides), HDL and LDL. Studies in Japan have proven that a purified extract of Adrografolide will significantly lower blood glucose, triglyceride and LDL levels.

Cardioprotective effect: Clinical studies of the effect of Andrographis paniculata on cardiovascular activity have shown an increase in blood clotting time. Certainly, pre- and post-treatment with Andrographis extract after cardiac surgery significantly prevents vasoconstriction, thereby reducing the risk of subsequent closure of blood vessels after angioplasty procedures. Studies have been conducted on the therapeutic effects of using the plant extract both before and after myocardial infarction. The plant extract has an antihypertensive effect, as it relaxes the smooth muscles of the walls of blood vessels and prevents constriction of blood vessels and, as a result, relieves the restriction of blood flow to the brain, heart and other organs. Clinical trials have proven that dichloromethane extract of Andrographis Paniculata significantly reduced coronary perfusion pressure at a dose of 3 mg/kg of body weight and also reduces heart rate. Arterial constriction caused by high cholesterol and damage to the lining of the blood vessel is also relieved by Andrographis paniculata. It is also clinically proven that an hour after the development of myocardial infarction, damage to the heart is significantly reduced. Andrographis exhibits a pronounced vasodilating effect. A study showed that Andrographis extract causes coronary vasodilation, reduces heart rate, without affecting cardiac contractility. Andrographis extract significantly reduces coronary perfusion pressure by 29.4 ± 8.5 mm Hg. at a dose of 3 mg. Andrographolide inhibits PAF-induced aggregation of human platelets. Japanese studies have shown that Andrographis extract (10–100 µg/mL) significantly inhibited platelet aggregation. Andrographis paniculata extract dilates coronary vessels and aortic rings, without negative side effects, which indicates the effectiveness of the use of Andrographis preparations for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, venous and pulmonary thromboembolism and angina pectoris, as well as lowering blood pressure with hypertension. In addition to the above, I will give the facts of stationary clinical studies: Andrographis paniculata extract significantly inhibited in vivo ADP-induced platelet aggregation in 63 patients with diseases of the heart and cerebral vessels 3 hours after administration. Thirty-three of these patients, who observed platelet aggregation after 1 week, experienced even more significant effects. The release of serotonin from platelets was significantly reduced in 20 volunteers who received the extract, although plasma serotonin levels remained unchanged.

Reproductive system: It has been proven in laboratory tests that the use of powdered dry leaves of Andrographis Paniculata at a dosage of 40 mg / kg of body weight per day for 60 days inhibits spermatogenesis, eliminates degenerative changes in the seminiferous tubules, regression of Leydig cells and regressive or degenerative changes in the epididymis, seminal vesicles, ventral prostate, and coagulation glands. Andrographolide gave similar results when administered orally for 48 days. The study reported no toxicity in the treatment of male infertility asthenozoospermia (low sperm motility) with andrographolide (50 mg/kg) for 8 weeks. Another clinical study has proven that the effect of Adrografolide on sex hormones in patients with impaired testosterone levels can return hormone levels to normal and treat decreased libido and decreased mental and physical sexual activity. These studies prove the effectiveness of the use of Andrographis Paniculata as part of therapeutic complexes for the treatment of male infertility.

Side Effects: Andrographis paniculata is classified by the IUCN as low risk or without side effects. Numerous studies on the toxicity of Andrographis Paniculata have been carried out in different countries, as a result of which it has been found that even at high doses it is extremely non-toxic. In a study involving HIV-positive patients, Andrographolide was administered at a dose of 1500-2000 mg daily for 6 weeks without side effects. Intravenous administration of Adrografolide (10 mg/kg) showed no abnormal cardiovascular reactions. The results of liver enzyme tests showed that the heart, liver, kidneys and spleen are in a normal state. Oral dosages of the herbal extract at 10 g/kg once a day for 7 days showed no side effects. In another toxicity test, subjects given 1 g/kg oral Adrografolide showed no change in body weight, blood tests, or liver, kidney, or other vital organ function. Moreover, the administration of Adrografolide does not have a cytotoxic effect on platelets at concentrations from 35 to 150 mM. These studies confirm the practical safety of the use of Andrographis Paniculata and its extracts without any further doubts.

You can find a series of scientific articles on the site on the page dedicated to Andrographis Paniculata, this includes articles about the use of Andrographis Paniculata and herbal drugs which were prepared from it for the treatment of all of the above diseases. To do this, go to the tab "Scientific articles".

You can buy this product from the producer, the Asiabiopharm company on the website of the online store You can find the links and contact details of the producer in the description of this video.

Product type Natural herb powder
Packaging type Craft bag
Made by Asiabiopharm Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand
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